Motion Graphics And Its Use In Web Design

‘Motion graphics’ seems like a real techie word, something a teenager with loads of acne knows everything about and most likely fumbles your mind. Put simply motion graphics is an animation or video that displays or conveys a message but can be found in many different forms i.e.

– Flip books
– Video
– Animation using powerful software and hardware

It has its uses in web design and can be of great benefit. Ok to the point in hand now, a website is used for many different reasons like:

– Selling products or services
– A marketing tool for a new product / brand
– Information based tool

With all the considerations you have to make when designing a website, the main point you are looking at is the message, the selling point and how to market it correctly. Well you can use images, text or you can go one step further and beat your competition by providing rich video or animated content. Why rely solely on text and images when you can literally run through your business, products or service in an animation or a video.

Video or an animation can enhance a site many fold as it can come in so many shapes or forms and there are so many tools that are available to add to your arsenal to correctly convey that message. You could have a video of a person simply explaining the product or service that you provide or you could potentially have a flash animation running users of your site through a demonstration of your product.

Motion graphics will allow for a more personal approach to your marketing and convey your message immediately through video, animation and even sound. It is also known to help enhance website sales as it becomes so much easier to understand your products and services. Not only that but animations can also include the user and get them to be involved in your online production piece.

Some animation / video tools include:
– Flash
– Adobe Premiere

If you are information based site then you have so many ways to introduce motions graphics by using instructional videos / animations, which in turn can help build confidence in your site and help you become an authority by providing great materials and rich content. Also bear in mind video is such a great tool to use towards your marketing efforts as there are a number of video sites out there to make it known and popular.

Let’s take an example, you are a DIY store and you sell a whole host of tools / materials to the general public for home DIY projects. In the current economic climate people are looking to DIY a lot more to cut costs so why not create a blog or video for the different products which runs through either how to use the tools you are selling or a step by step process on how to tackle that DIY project. This will add so much more value to your site and build and confidence with users as they will know they have a permanent visual step by step guide.

Never overlook the use the motion graphics in a site as it can help increase:
– Usability
– Sales
– Brand awareness / confidence
– Also helps reduce bounce rates

Author Bio: Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Fluid Creativity, specialists in Motion Graphics.

Category: Internet
Keywords: motion graphics, web design,

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