Paraben Free Cosmetics Avoid Over 300 Carcinogenic Skin Care Ingredients

Several companies now provide paraben free cosmetics. As many as 300 cosmetic ingredients are excluded by some company’s rigorous guidelines. Other companies exclude only 6. Here’s why we need to be picky about “whom” we buy from, not just “what” we buy.

The cosmetic industry is basically self-regulated in the US and many other countries. The European Union has the most stringent guidelines concerning the safety of beauty aids. That’s why most of the major cosmetic companies choose other locations for their manufacturing facilities.

Once produced, makeup can be sold anywhere in the world, thanks to the internet. Doing the necessary research into the company’s standards can be time consuming, but it is worth it.

If you care about your health, the health of your children and/or the health of the environment, there are hundreds of ingredients to avoid. Most of them fit into one of these categories; petrochemicals, phthalates, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, synthetic dyes or parabens.

Petrochemicals commonly found in beauty aids include ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol, propylene glycol and isopropyl alcohol, benzoic acid, oxybenzone and benzophenone. Before you buy paraben free cosmetics, check the label of ingredients for those compounds.

Some are suspected of causing cancer, because the chemicals they are derived from are known carcinogens. There is a risk of applying any petrochemical to the skin’s surface, because they may contain contaminants like formaldehyde or toluene; either can cause serious health problems.

Phthalates may be present either as ingredients or as contaminants. They are indoor and outdoor air pollutants that are believed to contribute to allergies and asthma. There may be a link between exposure to the chemicals and autism. The primary health concern is to our children, because the ingredients disrupt the body’s natural production of hormones.

Paraben free cosmetics may contain phthalates. The latest studies indicate that the chemicals may play a role in obesity, metabolic disorders, type II diabetes, insulin resistance, liver disease and cancer.

Sulfates are damaging to the environment. They are responsible for acid rain.

The risks of synthetic fragrances and dyes depend on the specific chemicals used to create the fragrance. Companies are not required to reveal the specific chemicals they use. You will only see the words fragrance or perfume listed on the label. Some are simply allergens. Others are toxic to the nervous system.

Another ingredient that might be present in paraben free cosmetics is triclosan. It has become one of the most common antibacterial agents. It is not healthy for people or the environment. It has many of the characteristics of phthalates, is not biodegradable and can contribute to the formation of more antibiotic resistant bacteria.

That brings us to parabens. The health risks may include:

Allergic reactions


Skin aging

DNA damage

Increased risk of skin cancer

Increased growth of existing tumors

Despite the risks, the mainstream cosmetic industry maintains that parabens are safe. They might be safer than some of the other chemicals described in this article. But there is no reason to take the risk. The best paraben free cosmetics contain no toxic chemicals at all.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best natural skin care products. The products she discovered use a proprietary blend of natural ingredients like Extrapone Nutgrass root to even out skin pigmentation. To learn more visit her skin firming site.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: paraben free cosmetics

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