Potty Training For Girls – Using Insider Information

Potty training for girls is essentially the same as for boys but by using a little “inside information”, you, Mom or Dad, can help your little girl cooperate more fully with the potty training process.

For example, females in general are often social creatures (yes, there are exceptions) and if your little potty trainee falls into this category you’ll want to take notice and use this to your advantage.

For example, she will probably cooperate with you much more fully if you stay alongside of her during the toilet training process.

This is easy to do. Keep her potty chair in the main stream of activity in your home; even in the kitchen. Many families have several potty chairs to make it easier for a child to find one when needed, especially at the beginning of the toilet training process.

When your toddler is sitting on her potty, don’t leave her to work at this process by herself. Grab a pile of books and spend some quality time reading together. Use a small tray and color together. Sing songs and do finger plays together.

Obviously, “together” is the key word here. Potty training girls in isolation sometimes makes things harder than they have to be.

Here’s another way to use your daughter’s natural instincts to help her during the potty training process. Encourage your daughter’s nurturing abilities by using her favorite doll or investing in a special potty training doll she can “train” to use the potty chair.

She will enjoy helping her doll in this way and you will have the added advantage of learning firsthand how much she actually understands about the toilet training process by listening to what messages she gives her doll.

In addition, make sure your child’s clothes are easy for her to maneuver. Dresses are cute and seem like a good potty training choice since they don’t have to be taken off to use the potty chair, but the bulk of fabric can make it difficult for a toddler to get the dress out of her way – and in a hurry.

Letting your daughter choose between a handful of appropriate clothing choices means she will feel much more involved in the process and invested in successfully keeping her clothing dry and clean.

If there is a lot of stress or commotion in your home, then now is probably not a good time for potty training, whether you have a girl or a boy. Children need to focus on what you’re asking them to learn and it’s smart on your part as a parent to carve out some household calm during the training process.

Use a potty training chart (see author’s resource box for a free chart) to keep your toddler interested and motivated. Let her pick out stickers to use on the chart. Keeping a second chart just for her potty doll will help keep her excited, as well.

The bottom line here? Spending some time thinking about the things that interest your little girl and recognizing her unique personality will lead you to potty training ideas customized to work just for her.

Remembering that she loves approval will help you stay calm and patient with her so that she will listen to your suggestions.

Thinking outside the box will lead you to fun rewards beyond the usual candy and stickers (for example, a trip to the ice cream store when our new undies stay dry all week).

Potty training for girls is about thinking through what is best for your daughter and working the mundane details of toilet training to her advantage.

Author Bio: Colleen Langenfeld has potty trained four kids and has a free potty training reward chart for you. Toilet train faster using her charts and creative ideas plus uncover more about potty training for girls by visiting her website today.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: potty training for girls,potty training girls,potty training,toilet training,potty training process

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