Preventive Dental Care is the Best Approach For a Healthy Mouth and a Healthy Body

No matter what area of our life we are talking about, preventing problems before they can occur is the most cost-effective and stress-free approach we can take. And our oral health is no exception! This approach not only prevents painful (and costly) experiences like tooth aches or gum disease, it can actually increase your life span by 23-46% over people who don’t give their oral health the attention it requires. Studies have shown that people with periodontal disease are actually 25% more likely to suffer from a heart attack than those who have healthy gums. Along with cardiovascular problems, periodontal disease has also been linked to diabetes, respiratory problems, pre-term/low birth-weight pregnancies and even cancer. The easiest way to ensure a healthy mouth, which helps keep your body healthy, is to practice preventative dental care.

And good preventive dental care can actually be quite simple if you build some good habits into your lifestyle. Start with a healthy diet in which sugary snacks are limited. Or if sweet treats are consumed, try to eat them along with your regular meals so that any sugar in them is ‘washed’ into your digestive system along with the other foods you are eating. Then brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day on a regular and ongoing basis will help remove any built-up plaque from clinging to your teeth and gums and creating tartar which, when left on its own, can do some real damage. Plus, regular visits to a dentist at least twice a year for a professional cleaning and checkup will keep your teeth and gums healthy or catch any problems that have started to develop. When cavities or gum disease are caught in the early stages, they can be stopped before they have a chance to manifest into issues that result in advanced stages of periodontal disease or tooth loss.

Dentistry is about preventing, diagnosing and treating problems with your teeth or gums, so building a good relationship with a dental practice is paramount for good oral health. First of all, if your dental hygiene habits are not producing the desired results, a dental hygienist can instruct you on the best methods for both brushing and flossing that will keep plaque and tartar from building up on your teeth and gums. Secondly, a professional dental cleaning is the only way that any built-up tartar can be removed. And, a dental exam at least twice a year will ensure that small cavities can be stopped in the early stages and gum disease can be reversed or prevented.

Being proactive in all areas of your oral health will result in healthy, beautiful teeth and gums that are free of any tooth decay or periodontal disease. A healthy diet, good daily oral hygiene habits and visits to your dentist at least twice a year will keep your mouth healthy and prevent the development of big issues which can be costly both to your pocketbook and your overall health.

Author Bio: Dr. Pandya received his D.D.S. degree in 2001. He then completed additional training in Aesthetic at University of California Los Angeles. He also completed certificate in Boston Implant Institute for surgical implant and reconstructive surgeries. Dr. Pandya

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: dental care, preventive dental care, dental visits, care of teeth

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