Putting The Most Powerful Word In Marketing To Work For You!

There’s a word — a single word — which can fill your coffers day after day. Smart marketers triumph with it… while the also-rans scratch their heads looking for the formula which invariably yields those golden results.

You’ve simply got to know the word…and how to use it ….] to make sale after sale and expand your profits, even in dismal economic times.

Tah-dah! The all-powerful word is “free”!

Smart marketers know that the power of free NEVER diminishes. People have always wanted… and they will always want … free stuff.

Your task is to use the power of free to make sales and increase profits… while not fatally turning into merely a dispenser of free stuff and nothing more.

Brain storm all the things you give away already

The truth is, right now you’re probably already doing and/or giving away one thing after another… while not getting any credit for them whatsoever. Whoa! This is because you have not brain stormed what you do in your business. In other words, you are now doing things that could be leveraged into more sales… but you either don’t know what they are…or haven’t even begun to consider how to use them.

Here are some examples:

* free shipping.

* free product use instructions

* free customer service

* toll-free number

* free web site with all kinds of product use instructions and examples

* free recipe booklet

* free articles

* free newsletter

* free catalog

* free ebook

* free blog

To create this list, you must be thorough and take pains. This list will alter the way you do business. You will no longer just do something…
you will do something and leverage it to make more and faster sales. In short, you’ll market the most intelligent way!

Sleuthing for List #2

In business to make money? Of course you are! That’s why you need to start researching how other businesses use the word “free.”

The great thing about business is that you can learn from what others are doing, starting with but not limited to people in your particular field. Of course you want to know what your competitors are giving away… but don’t think of limiting your researches to them. Your task is to discover the best uses of “free” by any company or organization whatsoever.

Keeping everything you find

Question! If you knew that doing something in your business would produce constant profits, would you treat that thing with the utmost care? You’re nodding your head, aren’t you? “I’m no dummy. Of course I would.” But the truth is… despite the fact that you KNOW “free” works… your “free file” with all the pertinent examples is still in your head and no where else, right? Mistake!

Your free file is one of, if not the most important, file in your business. No wonder! It contains exactly what you need to profit… whenever you want to profit. In short, your file and what’s in it are pure, unadulterated magic.

Use “free” liberally

My dentist has a memorable poster on his wall. Under a photo of a mouthful of decaying teeth it says: “floss only the ones you want to keep.” Let’s use the sense of this message to improve your marketing prowess:

“Use ‘free” only on days you want to profit”; in other words, on every single day you’re in business.

Where should you put these offers?

* top of all marketing/sales letters

* email subject lines

* post script on all correspondence

* on business cards

* in brochures

* in your shop windows

* on bags and packing containers.

Get the picture? Use them EVERYWHERE and ALL the time. You see marketing never stops, and that means your use of “free” never stops either.

Keep tabs on what works…. and what doesn’t.

It’s important that you know what works… and what doesn’t… in your marketing. This means always coding offers and/or (where you cannot tell yourself) asking folks what they’re responding to. Always ask them! Have your staff ask! Ask with a smile and get a million-dollar response, the response that helps you determine what to do and where to spend your time in future.

And, friend, start now. Don’t wait a single day to increase your “free” repertoire and your use of this essential and always special word. Remember, every day you use “free” is golden!

Author Bio: Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., http://www.worldprofit.com where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! For details on Dr. Lant’s 18 best

Category: Business Management
Keywords: marketing,jeffrey lant,sales,business

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