Read My Son’s Text Messages

I am sure that I am not the only parent that went snooping through a phone to read my son’s text messages. There are many, many reasons for this behavior. There are predators, girl trouble, and peer pressure to name just a couple.


I know that people usually think of girls being the prey, but boys can too. My son use to be a little shy, but after he got his phone he started acting very different. I know that the arrogant, crass attitude is normal for some teenage boys, but it really wasn’t the way my son was at all. I started snooping through his phone to find messages that would give me a reason for his drastic behavior change. I didn’t find a lot because they were deleted off regularly.

Girl Trouble

Society today teaches our kids that they can wait for sex. I really believe that they can, but I am realistic enough to know that this will not happen for every kid. My son is old enough to be thinking about sex, and still promises me that he is not doing it. I want to read my son’s text messages to find out if he is using texting as a substitute. Sex-texting is something that is happening more and more. Kids think it’s alright because it’s just in type and they aren’t really having sex. This may be true, but this can still get you into a lot of emotional trouble. My policy on this subject is that you shouldn’t use a phone as a go-between for sex. Sex is something that is private and shouldn’t be sent through phones at all.

Peer Pressure

Boys will be boys, but sometimes they can get carried away. I didn’t want my son tangled up with the crowd that thinks it’s alright to get into drugs, and trouble. There is much more to life than partying. I know he knows this, but sometimes the things that Mom says are forgotten in the heat of the moment. I didn’t want him falling into a trap that could get him hurt.


Well, I have already said that snooping through his phone didn’t turn up much because they get deleted off. However, I found a way that I can read my son’s text messages even if he deletes them. It’s a program called smart phone spy software. What it does is records all the messages, emails, pictures and videos, and keeps a call log of everything on my son’s phone. He can delete everything and I will still be able to log in online and read whatever he was saying in the text. This program needs to be installed right into the smart phone, but it works wonderfully. It’s quiet and reboots itself whenever the phone is turned off. No having to check the phone. Once it’s there; it stays running. The best part is that everything is recorded and sent to an account that I can view at anytime. It doesn’t matter when, day or night, I can go and check up on my son.

Author Bio: There were reasons why I wanted to read my son’s text messages. If you have reasons, and want more information on how I did it, please click here.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: read my son\’s text messages

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