Save Money on Your Electricity and Gas Bill

Winter is right around the corner and already financially burdened people will have to find ways to pay their enormous gas and electric bills. One way you can reduce your bill is to try to use less energy. There are some simple things you can start doing now that will make a difference on your next bill.

Turn off electronics when you’re not using them. One good rule to establish in your house is to only have one electronic device on at a time. That means that if you’re surfing the web, turn off the TV. Also when you go to bed at night turn off your computer. It’s not only better for the computer to not run all the time but you will stop wasting the extra energy on something that just sits there while you’re sleeping.

Unplug small appliances when they are done being used. Keeping your toaster, coffee maker or toaster oven plugged in all day, even when you’re not using it, does use energy.

Use energy efficient light bulbs. This is one of those things where it takes money to save money. These bulbs are much more expensive to purchase than regular light bulbs. The difference though is that they use much less energy than their counterparts and they last much longer. If you can’t purchase all new energy efficient bulbs in your home all at once then just start with one room at a time.

Make more than one dinner at a time. If you’re oven or grill is already hot, and if you have the room, make tomorrow’s dinner too. This can take a little extra planning but it’s not only a money saver but also a time saver. Think how happy you’ll be the next day when dinner is already cooked and it just needs a little reheating.

Turn the temperature down on your water heater. Many water heaters are set to 140 degrees. If you have a dishwasher you can bring the temperature down to 120 degrees. If you don’t have a dishwasher you can lower the temperature even more. This alone can save up to 10 percent on your next bill.

Turn down the heat. For every degree you lower your thermostat you can save between 1-3% on your electric or gas bill.

Get rid of drafts under doors. If you have spaces under your doors you are allowing the cold air in which will keep your heater running longer than it needs to. For doors you can purchase a special door draft stopper that fits under the door or you can simply put a towel under the door. Or you can make your own draft stopper by purchasing a small amount of fabric and creating a tube shaped pillow the length of your door. Fill the tube with pillow stuffing and simply tie a ribbon around the top to close it up.

Get rid of drafts around windows. Just like with doors, you need to get rid of the drafts. You can purchase kits at large retail stores and hardware stores that contain plastic that you put over your windows. It comes with a double sided tape to attach it around the window frame. Once you have the plastic up you use your hair dryer to shrink the plastic creating a seal. Your curtains and blinds will cover the plastic so no one will even know it’s there. If there is an emergency and you have to exit out the window the plastic can be easily removed.

It’s sometimes difficult for family members to get in the habit of turning off electronics and lights when they are not in use. Before you begin making changes sit the family down and explain to them what you are doing and why. You will have a better chance of success if everyone is on board. And remember, this is your family’s home. Even though you have good intentions of saving money to be able to better provide for your family don’t make your family feel like they are in a prison. No one wants to be constantly barked at to turn things off or down.

By choosing some or all of the above suggestions you can lower your electric and gas bill. And, as a side bonus, you’re saving the environment as well.

Author Bio: Maddie Ellison is an avid writer who covers many topics including health, fitness, exercise, natural healing, energy savings, and home businesses. Check out her other sites on cheap electric rates, home business , and health benefits.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: energy, electricity, money, finance

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