Save on Your Phone Bill: Use Internet Text Messaging

Have you ever been in a situation where you badly needed to send a text message to someone but your mobile phone is dead and all you had was your computer that was connected to the Internet? Times like this, you should know how Internet text messaging works so you can maximize your resources and still send that important SMS even in the absence of your mobile phone.

Conventional text messaging involves two cellular phones, one that sends the message and one that receives it. In the case of Internet text messaging, the computer is the device used to send the text message to a mobile phone through the Internet. This is made possible by special websites that offer free SMS sending services. Simply use search engines to look for such websites to be able to use their text messaging capabilities, absolutely free of charge.

But even if these SMS sending sites offer their services for free, the network of the recipient of the messages sent through these facilities may charge them for every reply that they send to the website. The sites, however, send notifications to the recipients along with the message to inform them if there are indeed any charges on their reply.

The use of Internet text messaging definitely has some advantages over conventional text messaging using cellular phones. For one, it does not charge you for sending a message. There are also SMS sending websites that allow you to send messages with more than 160 characters, which is the standard maximum length of an SMS. Then you may also send text messages to your loved ones in other countries, still free of charge wherever they are in the world.

There are different types of SMS sending websites available. There are those that give you quick access to the text message sending facility and those that require you to download an application first before enabling you to send SMS. Both types work just fine and you can be sure that your messages will get through. You just have to choose which is more convenient for you.

The two kinds of websites used for Internet text messaging both require the users to sign up prior to their use of the services. Signing up will only take the user a few minutes and is essential for his online security. A valid email address is needed as well as the user’s complete name and password. Some websites may ask the user for his preferred user id and a contact number but you can be sure that the site will keep all your personal details confidential.

Internet text messaging is ideal for those who have loved ones abroad because it allows them to send SMS for free, as mentioned earlier. We know the high cost of international texting and with facilities that offer free SMS sending online, you will never have to spend a single cent again on a text message. Go ahead and give it a try and see how much money you will save on your mobile phone bill.

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Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: text messaging,internet text messaging,internet text,mobile phone,text message

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