Some Things Should Just Be Said Every Single Day

You want yourself and your partner to have a strong and enduring relationship. You want a relationship worthy of some pride. You may be asking yourself, in these odd times, “How can we develop a partnership that stands the test of times like these? How can we buck the-easy-come-easy-go relationship trends of today? How can we give our children a good example of what a strong relationship is?”

Just look at the schedules of yourself, your partner, and your significant others, children, family, and friends. Controlled chaos is how you might characterize schedules in today’s busy world. What are these hectic schedules for? To make life better for you and yours, is probably the answer. To make it secure so you can love, cherish, and respect each other.

Especially your life partner. You’re so busy making it better, you may lose sight of the real reason behind your daily lives. You need some strategies to remind yourself and your partner why your lives are as they are. Because you love each other. Because you want a strong, understanding, and honest relationship; and that you work hard in the business world to make your personal worlds better.

The secret to ensuring that commitment and love remains a good part of your lives isn’t something you catch blowing in the wind. And while you can read about it in religious books such as the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, or any number of relationship self-help books available in the library, a secret it remains. Technology is one of the reasons behind this. Being connected doesn’t necessarily mean being in touch.

“Hi, Honey. I’ll be late for dinner. Could you pick up the kids? Gotta go! The boss is here.” If this or a similar message is all the information you and your significant other have shared during the whole day, something’s not quite right. Whether or not you’re a techno-geek, relying on technology to take the place of your heart in a relationship, well, the relationship isn’t going to last very long or be very true. So, if you love and cherish loneliness, keep relying on technology to replace your heart and soul. When your significant other gets fed up, don’t worry , they’ll leave you a voice mail or a twitter. Yes, you can even let technology add the final touches to your decaying relationship.

On the other hand, you can use technology to improve your relationship. Punch the speed dial, when your partner’s machine answers, simply say, “I love you, sweetheart! Talk to you later.” Hearing the words in your own voice is such a little thing, but it is such a meaningful thing. You know you both are busy, but taking a bit of time to push that away, just a little, lets your partner know so many things on so many different levels. Call at the same time every day. Or, make it a sort of surprise game, if you like. Playing isn’t just for kids; it’s for lovers of any age, too.

On top of “I love you.” you might want to say, “You’re beautiful inside and out.” or even, “I am so lucky to be with you.” Your partner is beautiful or you wouldn’t be together, let them know that. You’re lucky to be with your partner, let them know that. Tell your partner about how important they are to your life. And you don’t need long stammering speeches. K.I.S.S., as in “Keep It Simple, Silly.” will do just fine.

So, the very important matters you need to tell your partner everyday should include your love for them, how lucky you are to be with them, and that you think they are beautiful in body and soul. And, everyday tell them at least one good thing about themselves that you really like or appreciate. You will have one happy partner if you follow these few rules. They will feel safe and loved. And, they will remember how lucky they are to have you – everyday, all day long.

Author Bio: William Hart can help if you’re looking for great Romantic Gift ideas. Get amazing Romantic Gifts for Her and show her you love her.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: marriage, relationships, love, intimacy

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