Take Back Your Life!

Five months ago, a new patient came to my office with complaints of depression, memory loss, severe fatigue and occasional suicidal thoughts. The patient tried numerous prescription medications that did not help and was desperate to function in life again. I started with some blood work, immediately changed the diet, and added two supplements while awaiting test results. During the two month follow-up visit he reported slight improvements in symptoms. Test results revealed low testosterone levels, low Iodine levels, a low Vitamin D level, cholesterol was slightly high, and Thyroid levels were off. At that time, I added supplements to support the thyroid and neurotransmitters, instructed him to avoid allergic foods, and added Vitamin D.

By the fifth month he reported feeling 70-80% better! For the first time in 10 years he was able to take a long distance trip with his family. His family reported better eye contact, an increase in activity level, and he was almost off all prescription medications. With these changes he has now taken back his life. I like to mention this story because often people do not realize that correcting symptoms like anxiety, ADD, panic, OCD, sleep difficulties, etc. can change their lives. Sleep difficulties, anxiety, ADD, panic, etc. are forms of mental illness that are steadily growing in our society.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 1 in 4 American adults suffer from a mental disorder. Mental illness is not a disease or an end all in life. I like to view it as a sign that your life is out of balance, an imbalance that can be restored. Insurance and pharmaceutical companies want you to think that mental illness can be cured with medication, I prefer to correct the underlying issue to prevent the use of medication. I favor a more holistic approach to these illnesses and feel that Dr. Gordon says it best:

“Depression is not a disease… It is a sign that our lives are out of balance, that we’re stuck” James Gordon, M.D.

Dr. James Gordon, recently released his book on depression called “Unstuck.” He describes depression as a state of being out of balance to the point that one feels “stuck” in their medical dilemma. The journey to healing begins with nutrition, supplements, rebalancing neurotransmitter levels, detoxifying, removal of allergies, Bio and Neuro feedback, breathing exercises, meditation, exercise and movement, and management of hormones.

6 Keys to Restore Balance & Take Back Your Life…

1. Diet is a key factor that effects your mental and physical health. The first step to improving your diet is to eliminate “fast food” or foods that have been heavily processed and packaged. These foods cause malnutrition because they do not contain nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. I recommend the Mediterranean Diet. The bulk of this diet comes from plant sources and incorporates fresh food, rather than frozen, canned, or preserved foods. This diet eliminates red meat and includes consuming small amounts of poultry, eggs, and dairy. It also includes multiple types of grains, legumes, colorful fruit, vegetables, and a variety of herbs. I am excited to recommend this versatile and non-fad diet as a way of promoting long-term health.

2. Inflammation is one of the most critical factors contributing to ill health. It is triggered by various infections, pollution, allergies, or injury. Inflammation is a by-product of our immune system’s response to these triggers. The Mediterranean Diet combined with a sensible vitamin and mineral regimen can help douse the fire of inflammation and promote cellular repair. Fish oil, amino acids, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium are particularly useful.

3. Stress plays a key role in producing conditions such as anxiety, panic and phobia. The brain perceives imminent danger and releases certain hormones to put the body in the “fight” or “flight” mode. Consistent levels of high stress keeps us in the “fight” or “flight” mode. The body and the brain continue to excrete stress hormones, creating more stress and increasing heart rate, chest pain, tingling of extremities, flushing, dizziness, etc.

4. Breathing Techniques help decrease symptoms of mental stress or anxiety by stimulating the relaxation response. Diaphragmatic breathing, forced expiration, and alternate nostril breathing are a few techniques that I demonstrate for interested patients. Meditation is a powerful tool that can be used to control brain waves. You can create your own bio- feedback process through the calming response of meditation.

5. Exercise is a well researched and excellent way to improve your mood. The list of therapies include Tai Chi, Xigong, Yoga, Drumming or dancing to rhythms. Did You Know. . . Over 1.6 million

6. Bio-feedback is a safe and effective tool that can be used to achieve mental health. A computer and neuroprocessor are used to show you a picture of your brain in action. Pleasant rewards such as soft music or beautiful scenery are used to encourage you to produce brain waves that lead to a stable or healthy mental state. This therapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions such as sleep difficulties, anxiety, mood fluctuations, poor concentration, depression, etc. The goal is to achieve emotional balance and control while reducing or removing the need for prescription medication, allowing you to take back your life.

Testing is recommended prior to bio-feedback. Testing may include saliva and urine to test for Adrenal and Neurotransmitter levels, blood work for Vitamin D and thyroid levels, and a urine test for Iodine levels. I may recommend supplements to control inflammation and to reach your optimal nutrient levels based on test results. Some patients report feeling “blue” or depressed during the winter months. This syndrome is sometimes referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This may partially result from 3-4 hours of reduced sunlight. Increasing your exposure to sunlight by walking or doing other outdoor activities is an excellent way to counter this condition. Winter is a great time to perform focused breathing exercises or meditation to ‘tune in’ to your spiritual nature. We have developed several tools and approaches to improving mood and mental health. Please call if you would like to explore any of these ideas.

Prevention Tips For Healthy Mental Functioning

Develop a habit of doing daily meditation or quiet reflection
♦ Eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water a day
♦ Take a multi vitamin
♦ Watch less television, exercise, get 8 hours of sleep
♦ Develop a plan to cope with grief or stress and seek help when needed
♦ Avoid dependence on pharmacological treatments (drugs) if possible

Neuro-Integration Questions and Answers

1. What is Neuro-Integration?
A process of biofeedback using multi-sensory brainwave therapy. This allows the brain to re-train itself to optimal, peak performance. N.I. works with your brain allowing you to see where changes are needed. Guiding your brain into normal patterns can allow you to have improved emotional and physical states.

2. How can Neuro-Integration help me? Neurofeedback works well for depression, anxiety, and insomnia it is also helpful for ADD/ ADHD, sleep disorder, headaches, chronic fatigue, firbromyalgia, pain, memory loss, and addictions. By changing abnormal brainwave patterns, individuals can be empowered to change their mental health.

3. How long are treatments? 30 minutes

4. How many treatments will I need? Treatments typically range from 10-40, depending on the individual. Sessions are usually 2-3 times a week. Some patients will notice benefits almost immediately, while others may need a series of sessions before noticing improvements.

Author Bio: About the Author: Dr. Varsha Rathod is a Board Certified Rheumatologist and Internist. Preventive Medicine has focused on a combination of traditional and holistic medicine since 1967. For more information about alternative solutions, visit http://www.preventivemedicinestl.com or call 314-997-5403.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Stress, Alternative Stress Relief, Mental Functioning,NeuroIntegeration,Depression,Anxiety

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