The 3 Mistakes That Will Never Get You Lots of Traffic Fast!

Many people coming online for the first time these days are finding it hard to get traffic to their website as fast as they think they should. There are two reasons for this.

1. There are a lot more websites online now than there are people in the world.
2. Google has made it much, much harder for websites to rank high in their Search Engine.

These obstacles may be harder to overcome but it can be done because I know of two strong methods of marketing online that can each guarantee you up to 2,500+ visitors to your website in 7 days or less.

Well there are two ways for getting traffic online.
2. Paid

The two methods I am aware of can be done either way.
1. If you have lots of time and little money they will work for you.
2. If you have money but very little time, they will work just as well for you too.

The only drawback with both methods is they will cost you quite a few hours to get the methods set up… but once you have these methods rolling and virtually on autopilot the flow of traffic cannot be stopped.

Impossible You Say!
You may think this is all impossible but no. There are resources out there that can get you a rush of quality traffic fast. The trick is to know where to look. With billions of websites out there finding the best resources is not an easy task. It literally took me years of surfing and trial and error to finally come up with the best, most fantastic resources that can help you so much with getting quality traffic fast.

Mistake #1: Blog Sniping and Forum Commenting
Many new online marketers focus primarily on blog sniping and forum commenting, as this is what they are told will work best for them. Yes, those methods will surely get you traffic the only problem with those methods is that they take way too long and can take as long as a few months of diligently posting comments pretty much every day before you see real results.

Mistake #2: Social Bookmarking
Well what about Social Bookmarking? Yes that too will bring you traffic eventually. The biggest benefit to Social Bookmarking is you get great quality inbound links that will eventually help you get great position for your website in the Search Engines — but all that takes time, lots of time.

Mistake #3: Tweeting and or YouTube
These are great marketing strategies to focus on once you have the basics on auto-pilot, as it takes time or great skill to get a decent following on Twitter and it takes time or unique skills to both learn how to put together an effective video online as well as learn how to market it so that it brings you desired traffic and fast.

The bottom line is if you want to get actual traffic going to your website fast, you absolutely need to use the two methods I mention in my hot new Guide “How to Get Visitors II”, no ifs ands or buts. They are the easiest, fastest and best ways to get traffic online as they each have a perpetual aspect to them.

My fast traffic building Guide shows you what to do first, second, third and even what to do last to guarantee you get traffic fast.

But the very best news of all is that you can get this hot new and informative Guide absolutely FREE. Simply go to and sign up for the Newsletter and you will get the Guide FREE plus a FREE BONUS or two.

Author Bio: S. A. Williams is a Miami based Marketing Consultant. S. A. Williams specializes in helping small business owners who want to use the Internet to get more targeted leads. Learn more at

Category: Marketing
Keywords: get traffic fast, get traffic, fast traffic, get visitors

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