The Case For Customizing Content

You have to consider every angle when you are writing. There are lots of rules to follow and tips to apply. You have to give your best for your readers. That is the main target of writing, for you to deliver your message towards your readers.

Your readers know what kind of writing you can create and share. It can make your work a success or even it can lead to your downfall. That is why, every writer aims to provide quality contents where every reader can find it amazing and interesting which really suits their concerns.

However, you can’t just possibly write any contents for the sake of submitting your work and make it known for everyone. You are still not so sure whether it will be a hit or not. You don’t know if your readers will accept it either. What you should always keep in mind is to determine who your target readers are.

Still, there are different types of persons who are also different in their status in the community, their level of understand and lifestyles. It would be better if you know who can relate to kind of writing that you have and for them to understand your point clearly rather than making them all disappointed and junk your work for nothing.

Any individual who’s ever bothered to read corporate documents, especially ones that have received the handiwork of legal or engineering, knows the drill: it’s impossible to understand. Why do they even print crap no one, except highly-trained bullshitters like themselves, can read? We’re not sure. Frankly, I just want it to stop.

Fortunately, some companies are beginning to heed our pleas Not only are they rewriting materials to be easy to understand, some are even going so far as to customize their content for customers.

What exactly does customizing content mean? Say, a company has a user’s manual for a software product. Instead of having just a single document for all customers to use, they can have several versions of it, each one geared towards a different type of user.

For instance, an accountant will probably use a spreadsheet software in a different way than a behavioral scientist will. Customizing, in this case, can mean rearranging the user’s manual so that:

– it employs language that will make the most sense for each type of user
– it highlights features that each type of user will likely use
– it uses examples that each type of user can actually relate to

Customizing content is hard. Not only is it extra work, it requires a deeper understanding of each type of person that reads your documents. Even the best automated writing software can only help you so much on this end. As such, very few companies do it. However, it’s the best way to simplify any type of writing for each individual audience member. What about you and your writing work? Can you come up with situations where customizing content can benefit your readers?

Author Bio: See how innovative Automated Writing Software instantly can boost your English writing and watch how NLP technology can help you to write perfect emails, essays, reports and letters. More Info.

Category: Writing
Keywords: customized content, customizing contents

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