The Changing Face of the Conventional Publisher

When I recently received an invitation from a publisher to not only submit my manuscript but to also provide a marketing plan that identifies the target market and a summary of my networking connections and self-promotion capabilities (quite a tall order for a writer who simply wants to get his novel published, wouldn’t you say?), it dawned on me that the future of publishing is headed in an all new direction. Evidently, what the future holds for the talented writer is that talent alone isn’t going to get you published. You’ll need some marketing skills too. This article will explore the various self-promotion options available and how to quickly shorten the writers’ learning curve to marketing success.

In the past, the publishing house took care of everything…including the marketing of your book. All you needed was a good manuscript, and a publishing deal. But today, judging from my own experience, publishers are demanding a little more from the writer. So how then do you overcome this new hurdle? I have several ideas to share with you. First and foremost, you CAN self-publish with online print-on-demand publishers like Lulu — on YOUR terms, but that said, you will require some marketing skills to promote your book… because THEY won’t do that for you. Sounds daunting? Not quite. Here’s a four step plan.

1. Complete your manuscript as best you can and, if needs be, hire a proofreader to proof your work. It has to be perfect — however long it takes.

2. Hire a graphic designer (unless you yourself posses the skills) to design your book cover.

3. Start to create a buzz for the eminent release of your book on Internet social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and in forums. Place a signature that links back to your book’s blog where you can post the cover blurb and relevant topics surrounding the creation of your book, perhaps, or maybe even give away a couple of sample chapters of your book therein. The key thing is to establish a connection with your visitors. You are a real person. Let them know of your personal experience in creating your work. That in itself could turn out to be an interesting read. Allow them to get to know you. Engage your readers!

4. When you’re ready to publish, announce the date on your blog, and vigorously promote your work.

Once you have all of this going, you can then approach the conventional publishing house aplenty, and you will already have a reference point as regards your suitability to self-promote. Send them to your blog! It will contain all of the information they need to make a decision.

In summary: Judging from the way things are going, nowadays, to get published, a writer will need more than just a great manuscript. Publishers are now asking that you provide a marketing plan that identifies the market, and a summary of your networking connections and self-promotion capabilities. With a tall order such as this, it’s about time the savvy author of the future acquire at least some of the marketing skills that can enable you to promote your book. Social networking on Twitter, Facebook and in forums is one sure fire way to get the word out, not to mention, optimize your book promotion for the search engines using back-links from these social networks AND your blog. Allow your blog visitors to get to know you. Engage them. Tell your story. That in itself could turn out to be an interesting read. The more your visitors are drawn to you AND your personal experience, the better your chances are to successfully market your book AND get published.

Author Bio: Sensational new writer River Blantyre is the author of sexually-charged pop culture novel Tagged, and compelling showbiz saga Archipelago Ordeal. Read Cover Blurbs & updates on his Blog located at:

Category: Writing
Keywords: river blantyre,novelist,novel,paperback,new books,fiction,thriller,family saga

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