The Internet Marketer – The One Thing You Need to Create Passive Income and Earn Money Online – Pt 2

If you have read the previous article you will already know the one thing an internet marketer needs to create passive income and earn money online.

You must have a plan.

A plan that works. A plan that has worked for other people who have successfully created an income online. A plan that contains all the steps taken by the successful internet marketer to create his business and achieve his success. Leaving nothing out and providing guidance in what to do and, just as importantly, what not to do. How to do it and when to do it. You must look for a plan that gives you exact instructions on what you are to achieve this week and how to achieve it.

So, the next obvious question is: Where do I find such a plan?

The answer depends on what method you wish to use to achieve a passive income online. The answer is as varied as the information available on the internet. It depends on what feels right for you. What suits your personality. Some, and by no means all, of the options available on the internet to create a passive income are:

– Affiliate marketing. One of the most enticing methods at first glance. You need no product, no website (although it really does help), no list (although it really does help), and very little outlay. Basically, you are promoting other peoples’ products and driving traffic to their site using an affiliate link where you are credited with commissions for each sale you drive. Commissions vary between 3% for some physical products such as telescopes, to 75% for many of the information products available on Clickbank.

– Product creation. You are the person who creates new products which fulfill various needs or desires of internet users and sell them on your own websites and through affiliate marketers for a commission. Products are as varied as the internet itself. Ebooks, pieces of software that facilitate or create new ways to obtain web traffic, ways to make up with your boyfriend, how to lose weight, how to gain muscle. The list is endless and is made up of many, many niches and sub-niches. Find a niche with buyers ready to buy, give them what they want, let them know about it (traffic) and watch the money roll in.

– Blogging. If you have something interesting to share, and there are enough people who also share that interest, it is possible to make a fine income through blogging. There are many ways to monetize your blog. From Google Adsense, to affiliate products you promote, to paid ads on your blog.

– Dropshipping. You act as an agent for a supplier, called a dropshipper, where you obtain sales of the supplier’s products through a website or blog or forum or Pay Per Click marketing and forward the orders to the dropshipper. They then fill the order and ship the product to the customer. You are compensated by receiving a fixed proportion of each sale.

– Selling products on eBay. Indeed, there is an entire industry built around re-selling products you have even bought yet from discount suppliers to buyers on eBay for a price mark up.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of online opportunities for the internet marketer to earn passive income, but it covers some of the main themes.

So before you can start your career as a successful internet marketer you are going to need to find a niche market that you wish to service. You need to decide which business model you are going to pursue. You need to commence concerted, focused action each day to move you from where you are to your goal of achieving a passive income and earn money online.

You may have heard of information overload. It is the plethora of possibilities and promises on the internet to make money. So many options, so much to read and absorb, so much research to be done, so many websites to be visited. Too many newbies never get past the research stage. Or they jump from promise to sparkling promise and actually achieve, and earn, nothing.

I was deadly serious with the title of this article. The one thing you need to be successful as an internet marketer is a plan. You must have a proven, successful plan to follow.

There is one more thing you must do once you have a proven, successful plan at your disposal.

You must follow the plan.

Step by step. Day by day. Week by week. Month by month. Until all the little actions you have done each day in bite sized steps, add up to a successful business built upon solid foundations. In spite of what you read many times on the internet, nobody will do the work for you. Although I suppose you can always outsource everything, but if you can afford to do that then you probably are only mucking around on the internet anyway.

You must have a plan.

You must follow the plan.

Remember that kindness is more important than wisdom.

Author Bio: Want to know how to create a $35k per month income? Then visit: Free Internet Marketer Plan right now, and grab your 100% free report which shows you step by step, exactly how to reach a cool $1k per day online, from the comfort of your own home. Martin P Kerrigan is an author, martial artist and successful internet marketer.

Category: Internet
Keywords: internet marketer,passive income,earn money online

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