The Internet Marketer – The One Thing You Need to Create Passive Income and Earn Money Online – Pt 5

We have worked our way to the beginning of a plan which has been proven time and time again to be successful for a fledgling internet marketer. This plan will consist of brick by brick construction of a method to create a passive income base upon which it is possible to build.

For the new internet marketer, a plan which entails creating new products, writing innovative software, levering joint venture projects and swiftly creating multiple websites and income streams is not feasible. It is like trying to teach a Year 2 student calculus. There is a long way from 1 + 2 +3 = 6 to limits, functions, derivatives and integrals.

An example.

Below is a simple plan that encompasses all you will need to earn money online.

1. DO Keyword Research/Market Selection/Demographic Analysis of Prospects.
2. CREATE a product which fills the needs of this market OR find a ready made product which you can promote within the niche and earn affiliate commissions.
3. GET Domain Name – Keyword focused
4. GET hosting for your domain
5. CREATE a website / squeeze page / opt-in page which sells your chosen product or re-directs to the affiliate product page and capture the email addresses of your visitors into an autoresponder so you can market to them again later. Create killer copy to maximize conversions, ie: visitors into sales.
6. INSTALL Shopping Cart or Merchant Account to process credit card and Paypal payments.
7. ADD Free content to entice visitors to enter their email address.
8. DRIVE Traffic to Offer

Follow the instructions above until you have honed the sales process and are making money automatically. The holy grail of passive income. Rinse and repeat for a new product / offer /software. Start at step 1 again. You are on your way to online income while you sleep.

My point is that the eight steps listed above are a reliable plan to making internet income. However, they are not a viable plan for a new internet marketer to follow. It is teaching calculus to 2nd graders. To be successful, you need a plan which fills in the many blanks contained in the outline above. You need a plan which prevents you from being distracted by the many bright baubles of internet promises of untold riches with just a few clicks of a mouse. You need a plan to stop you from wasting hours deciding what you should be doing today to further your internet ambitions. When you are starting out you need a plan which says do this now, do that after doing this. Having done this and that you have now achieved this, upon which you can build.

Moving along from the previous article where we commenced doing some simple keyword research. Having gained some basic understanding of keywords, it is now necessary to go into some more depth in this subject. It is important not to limit yourself to simple, generic keywords such as meditation or internet marketing. These keywords get massive search numbers but the internet marketer wants to target only a segment of these searchers. Do you know which segment?

The people who are looking to spend money!

Whether they want to purchase a physical product, a downloadable product or a short cut which will help them to achieve some goal or aim faster or more easily. Whether it be to lose weight for their Prom or to meditate deeper than a Buddhist monk without the thirty years of abstinence and focus. Many of the keywords you will research will only lead to casual visitors who are just interested in free information. This is a legitimate, indeed over-arching, use of the internet, but it will not make an internet marketer any income.

One of the things which has disappointed me as I strived to earn money online, is the way so many “gurus” speak in generalities without the detail that makes everything click together. Somewhat like the internet marketing plan I outlined above for you. (Have you used it to make any money yet? I didn’t think so.)

Bearing this in mind, let’s look at an example of some keyword research and see if we can isolate the “buying” keywords from a list. We will start with the previous example: meditation.

Type in ‘meditation’ on the Google Adwords Keywords Tool. 1,500,000 searches per month. Wow! Click on the word ‘meditation’ in the tool and Google shows you that there are 21,400,000 results for that keyword. What I like to do to get comparisons, is divide the Google results by 1000, so the 21,400,000 results above becomes 21,400. Then divide the number of searches per month to get a comparison figure. In this case, 1,500,000 searches divided by 21,400 = 70.09. This is a very high quotient and could indicate a keyword to be pursued, but, and it is a big but, how many of these people searching actually want to buy something and how many are just checking out what the internet has to say about meditation?

Let’s try ‘guided meditation’. 40,500 searches. 508,000 results. 40,500 divided by 508 = 79.72 quotient. People who are searching for guided meditation are more likely to be looking to purchase a product which will help them achieve a guided meditation.

How would this guided meditation be delivered to them? Let’s try mp3 meditation. 22,200 searches. 1,360,000 results. 22,200 divided by 1,360 = 16.17 quotient. Much lower than for the simple meditation search. However, of these 22,200 searches, many more are likely to purchase a product to fulfill their needs.

One final example to highlight another variable. Type in ‘meditation download’. 33,100 searches. 3,780,000 results. Quotient = 8.20. When you check out the results in Google you will find that the first page is full of ‘free’ downloads, ‘free’ meditations, ‘free’ meditation music. Would you skip past the first page of Google to find a site where you can buy meditation downloads if you had typed in the search term ‘meditation download’? Me either.

We will continue this analysis in the next article. Until then, I cannot emphasize enough, you need a plan. You need to take action on your plan.

Kindness is more important than wisdom.

Author Bio: Want to know how to create a $35k per month income? Then visit: Free Internet Marketer Plan right now, and grab your 100% free report which shows you step by step, exactly how to reach a cool $1k per day online, from the comfort of your own home. Martin P Kerrigan is an author, martial artist and successful internet marketer.

Category: Internet
Keywords: internet marketer,passive income,earn money online

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