Treating Hair Loss in Men – The Best 5 Ways Revealed

Do you feel embarrassed to stand in front of your mirror every morning because of your receding hairline? If the answer is yes then you need to know that you are not the only one. Hair loss is a very common problem and many people are plagued by it. However, it needs to be mentioned that in men hair loss is more common than women. You will hardly see a balding women walking past you but a balding man is a regular site. Actually there is a difference between hair fall in men and in women – starting from the cause to the treatment everything differs.

Earlier that was considered as an embarrassment but you can take heart from the fact that nowadays a bald pate is a fashion statement. However, that said, you maybe someone who does not like a clean shaven head. So, it is important for you to know about the cause of your hair fall and how can you treat it. In men hair loss is primarily caused by sensitivity of male sex hormone, androgens. Some part of your scalp may be extremely sensitive to androgen circulating in your blood. This might make your hair follicles shrink and therefore the lost hairs cannot be replaced.

It usually starts at the age of 25 and then it follows a particular pattern. First you will see a receding hair line and next the hair on the middle of your head also starts to thin. Then gradually the two balding areas on your head will meet and form a U shape. The hair that lost does not grow back as fast as it should. You need to understand that hair loss in men can be largely genetic and is something natural. It is not a disease. So, if you want to grow back your hair you will need to invest time and money.

Medical Treatment

This problem is very common and therefore the treatments related to it are also common. Treatment with medication is a very common option and you can try it.

1) Minoxidil Lotion – You can apply this lotion twice daily. This lotion is quite effective in growing new hair. It is not available on NHS prescription but you can purchase it over the counter. However, you will have to continue using it because once you stop applying the lotion you will again experience hair fall.

2) Finasteride – It comes in the form of a tablet and it halts the affect of male sex hormones. It stops hair fall and promotes growth of new hair.

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is becoming very popular in this regard.

1) Transplant – If your hair loss is restricted to the front of the scalp you can opt for this. The surgeon will remove the hair from the back of your hair to the top.

2) Scalp Reduction – This works the best if you have a bald spot on the top of your head.

3) Flap surgery- It involves a procedure where the part of the scalp that contains hair is made to expand.


Hair loss is very common in men and it can be quite embarrassing. As the reason for hair loss cannot be rooted out completely there are some medications and procedures to prevent hair loss and grow new hair.

Author Bio: For more information about best hair loss treatment for men, visit now.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: treating hair loss,hair loss in men

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