Trouble Potty Training – Use a Checklist to Get Back on Track

Are you experiencing trouble potty training your toddler? Toilet training problems are very common but that doesn’t stop them from being immensely frustrating.

For most parents, the first question they are struggling with is “what’s wrong?” Here is an easy checklist you can use to determine why you are having trouble potty training your little one.

– Is she trained at all?

There’s a world of difference between a toddler who has had two days of potty training and one who has been mostly trained for six months. And there’s a world of difference in how you help these two young potty trainees get back on track.

If your child is new to toilet training, then perhaps she simply doesn’t get it yet. That’s quite common. A great solution to this simple problem is to use a potty training doll to explain in explicit detail how the potty process works.

If your potty-er understands what’s going on and is just resistant, then taking a break from toilet training is the answer. Take the pressure off for a couple of weeks and then do a potty training restart.

– Is he ready to be trained?

Is your toddler showing any signs of potty training readiness? Is he dry when he wakes from naps? Is he asking to be changed when he wets or soils?

Your toddler needs to be showing several readiness cues before you begin toilet training. If he is not ready, then you are pursuing an exercise in frustration for both of you.

And make sure you’re ready to go through toilet training, too, Mom or Dad. Your calm and matter-of-fact attitude will give your toddler the confidence he needs to successfully achieve this growing up milestone.

– Where’s the calm?

If your home life is chaotic and stressful right now then it’s not a good time to potty train. Toddlers need calm and stability to focus. They need a mom or dad’s undivided and positive attention.

If you can’t currently arrange that then put off toilet training until a better time. For both of you.

– Diaper confusion.

Are you putting your toddler in and out of diapers depending upon what’s convenient for you? If so, you could be causing your little one a lot of confusion that can manifest itself as trouble potty training.

Let’s face it; your toddler knows what a diaper is for and it is not for staying clean and dry! Once you make the decision to move into toddler underwear, unless you have a compelling reason to go back to diapers (such as a medical issue), don’t! She needs the chance to move forward into being more grown up and part of that is saying good-bye to diapers.

It may take her awhile to move on, but eventually she will. The two of you together will successfully navigate the process that is potty training. Remember, this is but the first of many exciting times the two of you will need to work through – together.

So dive into the potty training adventure. Your toddler is eagerly waiting for you!

Author Bio: Colleen Langenfeld has potty trained four kids and helps other moms get more out of their mothering at . Toilet train faster using her potty reward charts and creative ideas plus uncover more about trouble potty training by visiting her website now.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: trouble potty training,not potty training,potty training,toilet training,potty training readiness

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