Vasectomy Reversal Alternative Fertility Options

You can choose other fertility options over the reversal vasectomy procedure. Think about this before you submit yourself to reversal vasectomy microsurgery.

Deciding on Reversal Vasectomy

The vasectomy procedure is a permanent contraception that could be only reversed by reversal vasectomy. This is the most common fertility options that couples normally look first because of its impressive success rate. However, note that there are several factors affecting the success rate of reversal vasectomy. About 40% of men who had the vasoepididymostomy did not produce positive results while about 14% of the vasovasostomy failed. Other factors influence this frustrating statistics but you can look on the other available fertility options below:

Sperm Banking

This is the easiest and the most feasible option over the reversal vasectomy. You can find a sperm bank that could store your sperm for future use. When you change your mind and decide to have a child, then you could ask the sperm bank to retrieve your sperm. It would be easier to have conceived naturally this way using the in vitro fertilization. Sperm banking fees are quite cheap starting at $500 and then yearly fees of about $250.

In Vitro Fertilization

IVF is the most popular and understood name for the In Vitro Fertilization. This microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration proves to be cheaper and less risky than the reversal vasectomy. However, this is second best among the other available fertility options with higher success rate for having a child. The only problem with the IVF process is that it is painful and intrusive. The doctor will perform the fertilization procedure in stages. In case one of the stages failed, you cannot proceed onto the next stage.

The steps in IVF are

– Ultra Sound Test
– Injections
– Laparoscope

An additional cycle cost like $8,000 is included in this process. The good thing with this procedure is that you could save and pay less than the usual $10,000 if you conceive on the first attempt. However, this process provides no guarantee, which means that there is no coverage for any miscarriage. You will pay for the next stage of the process, which could mean restarting the whole cycle again.

Donor Insemination

This process involves fertilization using the sperm of an unknown donor. Even though the process is simple, you are not going to be the biological father of the child. The therapeutic donor insemination called as artificial insemination will fertilize your partner’s egg. The doctor will only agree to proceed with the artificial insemination when a suitable donor has been chosen. This actually involves injecting the sperm in the uterus during your partner’s ovulation period. The success rate for this procedure is actually about 25%.

Sperm Injection using Intracytomplasmic Process

This process is more popular in the name of ICSI. This is actually an advanced process of the IVF. The doctor injects the sperm for fertilization in the uterus. This will enable your partner the probability to conceive.

Reversal Vasectomy

This procedure may give a higher probability for natural conception but you need to face the risks associated with the surgery especially when you have a scar tissue that may block the semen from successfully carrying the sperm to the urogenital section of the woman. However, time proves to be critical when considering the reversal vasectomy. It is best that you decide as early as possible for the reversal. The best time is about 3 years from the vasectomy procedure because you have a higher success rate within this period. The longer you delay your decicion, the lower would be your success rate because of the possibility of developing a scar tissue around the sutured area.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading blog about Reversing Vasectomy blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility, men\’s health

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