Wall Street System Mechanisms and Obama Does Not Matter

From the perspective of those in power, Obama took office one and a half, and no specific measures in the interests of Wall Street have significant violations and injuries. Financial institutions are continuing to save the administration after he started making money machine, making huge profits. July through financial reform bill, financial institutions are costly lobbying does not become rigid and severe. Even the target of public criticism of the salary compensation system, Kim also played down the reform bill, which the European countries, many of the financial reform program, hard and fast rules and restrictions to be less compared to many. Soros said: “Obama is very friendly and the business community, in his governance, enterprises and banks can still pours.”

Wall Street is the key to Obama angered his strong words on Wall Street, criticize too much. There are many topics on Obama: “I am not to help Wall Street ‘fat cats’ banker,” “Wall Street, where too many people just looking to get rich quick and lucrative bonus”, “in Wall Street, financial industry and lobbying who has been in the erosion of the rule of law to avoid the collapse. ” Obama also frequently with people street (main street) and on Wall Street (wall street) for the matter, the latter described the looting of the former, the former hostility to the latter, the relationship between the two seemingly irreconcilable class struggle, and he Street, on behalf of the people to fight with Wall Street.

Obama may be accused of abuse from the heart of his indignation, but also the psychological response to the victims of people voters, but in any case, he was hit on Wall Street too broad, sparking public outrage. Most people who work on Wall Street are hard to discuss a life, no different from other industries; only a handful of troublemakers, and this small group has mastered the modern financial instruments as “weapons of mass destruction,” the characteristics to stir up trouble, trouble the market.

Second, Wall Street’s year-end bonuses usually a percentage of profit distribution by sector, plus the company’s overall consideration. In a department of a loss, maybe the whole department Lianguo Duan. However, if the harvest while the other sector, it will be more generous bonuses. Wall Street believes that some of the staff deserve big bonuses, should not be Obama again and again condemned the “fat cat” reasons.

Pay bonuses to Wall Street issue but also involves reminded repeatedly in salary must be used to retain talent. Wall Street financial institutions everywhere, mainly by human resources, talent competition is intense, and therefore result in salaries and bonuses of inflation. But Obama does not believe this, he thinks the public does not think so, which form a large understanding of misunderstanding.

Ultimately, the problem is a system of Wall Street mechanisms, rather than people’s problems, what kind of mechanisms can lead to what kind of behavior. In the “all about money,” the driving force and pressure, any “person at the beginning of the good” are trying to strive to become no preferences, catches mice is the “fat cats.” To make people self-discipline from the beam into a “skinny cats,” is a fantasy, accused of blame, “fat cat” is useless. The key is an issue in the system, improve the legal and regulatory system so that no exploits for a handful of opportunists.

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