Ways to Repair Entropion: Correct of Lower Eyelids

As we age, our skin becomes less firm and as with any signs of aging most people feel uncomfortable with these changes in their appearance. Our eyelids tend to be the first noticeable place on our body that the firmness fades from and wrinkles appear. Unfortunately, for a few, this occurrence of sagging skin can cause the condition Entropion, or the turning inward of the lower eyelids.

What are the side effects of Entropion?
Since the eyelid turns inward with entropion, the eyelashes and the skin of the eyelid may damage the membranes that protect your eyes and the cornea. When this rubbing occurs, things such as excessive tearing, mucous discharge, crusting of the eyelid, eyelid redness, irritation of the eye and even impaired vision can occur. These all can lead to a serious infection of the eye.

Surgery Alternative
Anyone affected by this condition can try to avoid having surgery to correct it by using lubricating eye drops, taping the eyelids, and also by getting Botox injections, but these are only recommended for the short term relief. For long term relief, surgery is recommended in order to prevent permanent damage to your eyes caused by the eyelid rubbing on the eye surface.

Entropion Eye Surgery
In order to correct the entropion permanently suregery will be needed. With surgery the eyelids can be returned to the normal position, protecting the eye and correcting the problems that are caused. The type of surgery needed to correct entropion is fairly simple and quick – it is generally performed as an outpatient procedure.

For most the repairs to the eyelids will also give greater confidence in their appearance and health as the surgeon will not only correct the damaging condition of entropion, but they will usually also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and puffiness. This will give your eyes a more youthful appearance.

As with any cosmetic related surgery, be sure to research your surgeon before committing to just anyone. Patients of this type of surgery are generally older, but some younger patients with entropion because of genetics are also eligible. It is possible, that in cases where the need for suregery is medical and not cosmetic, that your insurance company will cover some or all of the costs.

While this is not a very complicated procedure, it does require the hands of a skillful surgeon to perform the procedure, depending on the experience of the surgeon and the condition of the entropion, the starting cost of a surgery can start from $3,000 onwards per eye.

Sometimes just a few stitches, while you are under local anesthesia, are all that is needed to tighten the eyelids. The stitches are usually passed from inside your eyelid to a higher point on the skin outside the lid.

You should expect some pain and swelling after surgery and your doctor will probably give an eye patch to wear in order to protect your eye.
Be sure to follow your doctor’s orders to avoid any further complications and additional surgeries. Once the simple entropion surgery is performed and your eyes are healed, the improvement of your eyes will assure you that it was worth it.

Author Bio: Dr. Angelo Tsirbas has helped many patient with their entropion repair. A blepharoplasty, brow and orbitofacial specialist with over 15 years experience in cosmetic surgery. He is available for consultation in Sydney, Canberra, Kiama, Nowra and Mildura in New South Wales, Australia. Dr Tsirbas is also an Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic surgeon.

Category: Aging
Keywords: entropion eye surgery, entropion repair, entropion surgery, lower lid entropion

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