Wedding Table Plans Which Branch Out Into Originality

Throughout the time that I have been involved with helping people to create well-planned, original and effective wedding table plans I have been constantly amazed at the ingenuity and originality of so many people when it comes to creating a seating plan for a wedding.

Sometimes I’ve come across wedding table plans which are simply eyebrow raisers, where you have to really wonder how on earth two such bizarre individuals ever managed to find each other, and to think how fortunate it is that they did.

But there are other times when I come across wedding table plans, and I just have to look, and think why on earth has nobody else thought about that before? It’s often these latter plans which ended up catching on, with more and more people copying or interpreting the same idea in their own way. Certainly I have never come across this particular form of wedding plan before, but I would be very surprised if we didn’t see quite a few more people taking and adapting this same idea in the future.

I’ve often mentioned in previous articles how important it is to try to enjoy the task of creating wedding table plans, because not only do they help to allow the reception to be an organised and positive occasion, as indeed it should be, but it also gives you an opportunity to have a little fun, and to express your personality, character and some of the points which have drawn together the Bride and Groom.

Often wedding table plans have been created along quite surprising themes, such as the table of elements, but the particular wedding plan I came across recently is one which could be adapted in so many different ways. The couple in question were very outdoors people, often going on rambles in the countryside, camping across the continent, and generally communing with nature. (No, not in that way…!)

Their wedding table plan simply took the form of a tree. Instead of the Top Table being along one side of the room, it formed the trunk of the tree. Smaller tables branched off this central truck with little tables for two to four people forming clumps of leaves.

The wedding chart on display at the front entrance embellished this idea clearly, with a lot of greenery and detail, including little squirrels running up and down the trunk, birds nesting in the leaves, and such like. The tables themselves were covered with a beautiful pale green fabric, except the Top Table which was a deep chocolatey brown.

As you can imagine this theme translated through a whole range of different items, from the centre decorations on each table, to the place name cards which were each shaped as a leaf. You can see how this idea not only looked beautiful, and was very appealing, but also worked very well.

Once the original idea has been conceived, it is easy to then imagine other ways in which elements of the wedding reception can be tied in to the same idea. But with wedding table plans it’s always wonderful to see people not only coming up with original ideas, such as this one, but also adapting ideas to suit their own unique traits and characteristics.

Author Bio: Toptableplanner is a great place to start when you’re thinking about making wedding table plans. It makes it easy to work out who’s going to sit where and you can print out basic table plans and place cards too!

Category: Marriage
Keywords: wedding table plans

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