What Kind of Vitamins Do You Actually Need?

What’s wrong with you? Do you get sick a lot? Or do you weigh too much? Do you suffer from colds or flu every year? Do you lack energy, sleep too much or maybe have trouble going to sleep? Do you suffer from indigestion? Or maybe its pain in the knees, or your joints, or you experience frequent headaches.

You watch TV and see one product advertised. Then you go to your health food store and see countless others on the shelves, each supplement touting the virtues of their own brand. From the list of ailments above, if you purchase a bottle of pills for every little thing, you’re going to spend a fortune and perhaps, be swallowing pills until you’re blue in the face.

Maybe you’re trying to get rid of some things which cause you misery, or hopefully, you are into preventive health and merely want to make good choices so you don’t get sick or become a victim of any of the prevailing diseases which seem to be all around us.

If you are not taking any kind of nutritional supplements, you really should be, since it is virtually impossible these days to get everything your body needs from the food you eat. But before deciding what kind of vitamin and mineral supplements to get, there are some things you could take stock of with your own life. For one, increase your vitamin and mineral intake by simply eating healthier. More fruits and veggies are always a good choice. They can do wonders in helping to prevent illness.

Regular exercise is another important item to include in your lifestyle. Sometimes a lack of energy, or being “tired” all the time can be tremendously helped just by exercising each day. Yes, you may not feel you have enough energy to exercise, but an amazing thing can happen when you make yourself exercise even when you don’t feel like it. When you finish the exercise you may be entirely energized!

Getting adequate sleep and not being subjected to an extreme amount of stress are also important for your body.

So OK, we’ve looked at some of the basics that are important, but now it is time to make a decision about what kind of vitamin or nutritional supplements to add so you will be able to maintain optimum health. Do you buy a bunch of pills, liquid supplements, sprays, or maybe a lozenge to put on the tongue? Each kind of supplement has some advantages and disadvantages.

Pills can be convenient to have in a small bottle. However, most likely with a pill you will only get about 30% absorbed, with the rest of it being wasted. In addition, in order to pack a lot of ingredients into a multi-vitamin pill, it can get to be a rather large pill, and even hard to swallow.

Liquid multi-vitamin supplements generally will have about 98-99% absorption and can pack in a whole lot of ingredients. Liquid vitamins can absorb into the system in as little as 3 minutes, whereas pills can take between 2 and 6 hours. Perhaps, the biggest drawback to a liquid supplement is that it can be a little less convenient to carry around if you travel a lot. It can also be a challenge to find one that tastes pretty good, so you will be willing to take it on a regular basis.

Supplements in the form of sprays or a tablet you put on the tongue also can have a very high absorbency. However, to my knowledge, neither is available in as many varieties of nutritional products as are pills or liquid vitamins.

Knowing what I now know about nutrition supplements, which I have spent years learning about, I’ll make these two recommendations to you:
1. Get a good high-quality multi-vitamin and mineral product.
2.Get it in liquid form.

It will be worth your search to get a good liquid multi-vitamin that has a large number of ingredients. While no one product has every single thing our bodies need, by selecting a top quality product, you will be far, far ahead of not taking any vitamins or taking something of lesser quality.

Author Bio: Judy Thompson is a former Health teacher who strongly believes in the information presented in this article. You can get free details about one of the best liquid vitamins you’ll find anywhere at http://www.LiquidVitaminsHere.com Or for info about how to get a rebate on the cost of the first bottle you buy, go to http://www.TopdogMarketingSystem.com

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: vitamins,supplements,multi-vitamins,liquid vitamins,liquid vitamins & minerals, liquid multi-vitamin

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