Why Brain Wave Patterns Matter

From the minute the brain was formed in the womb till the death of a person, a brain continues to work tirelessly, even when in sleep. This continuous activity of brain can be measured. Basically, brain waves are small electrical signals which are emitted from the brain in the electrochemical junctions. They are very rapidly opened and closed. With the help of a device called electroencephalograph (EEG), it is now possible to measure the brain wave signals.

Though generally, the brain wave patterns of a person maintain a rhythmic fashion, it may alter from time to time. Depending on the patterns, the brain wave can be categorized into four types. The beta range is the type of brainwave pattern that we experience while in the most alert state. This frequency is measured to range from 14 to 30 cycles per second or hertz.

The next pattern is the alpha state which is the relaxed state of mind. This happens when a person is day-dreaming or in a relaxed state or while experiencing a rhythmic physical activity. The frequency range in this type is from 9 to 13 hertz. When a person is near sleep, drowsy or experiencing creativity or visualization, their brain wave is in the third pattern called the theta state which has a frequency is between 4 and 8 hertz. The fourth is a state of tranquility which is experienced by meditators and the frequency range is very less from 1 to 3 hertz. Most people are asleep in this range.

A good knowledge of brain wave patterns helps us to deal with a lot of our problems and solve them, successfully. The benefits of knowing the brain wave patterns are many. Learning faster is the first and foremost benefit in which, when a person is subjected to attuning the brain wave patterns using methods like brain wave entrainment, he or she gets the advantage of learning things faster and easier. Even the most difficult concepts and theories can be learnt in a shorter span of time, by just unlocking the powers of the brain.

Brain wave entrainment has the potential to reprogram the subconscious mind of a person and remove all the bad habits, unwanted addictions and flaws that are detrimental to the progress in life. The simple combination of the right brainwaves and a series of positive affirmations and stimulations enhance the subconscious mind to absorb good things better. The positive effects of knowledge of brain wave patterns and applying methods of brainwave entrainment can in many ways enhance healing and release growth hormone. It is also found to assist in weight loss, without causing any side effects.

Brain wave patterns do not change the entire life into a better one but can help to find new horizons in life that were thought as impossible before. It gives a new boost to confidence in life and truly makes the full utilization of the brain that was never utilized before. When even a small alteration in the brain wave patterns can bring about a great change in life, why not give a try?

Author Bio: Click Here to get your Free “Success Accelerator” Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Visit http://www.MindMaximus.com and claim your Free Cd today!

Category: Self Help
Keywords: brain wave patterns, brain wave entrainment, subsconscious mind, state of mind

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