Why Do Pets Have to Be Named?

Many people who have pets can easily call out their names like any other person is just across the room. For most domestic pets, giving them their names is almost secondary in giving them their provisions. The human race seem to apply personification to the extreme level when they start to name their pets and for some even fashionably activate their pets. If your pet might have their day in their name, what do you think would the name you give them be? You would take pride in the history behind the name of your pet as it can always be a conversational starter. So what is in naming the pets that is such a big deal to most pet owners?

Identifying a pet among the same of their kind is perhaps the first reason why pets should be named. Some of the puppies of your golden retriever might grow up having almost twin-like features that you find it hard to tell them apart. So, you decided to name them each and give them their dog collars to make things easier. Dogs can easily understand what you try to say and so when you call one of them out, the right dog will answer.

Since most domestic pets are given the same treatment like a member of the family, they also tend to act as if they have their own personality. For example, your pet cat might be fond of being talked to at the top of the kitchen counter when you are doing your dishes- and so you name him Dishes and the cat would almost automatically respond to your every beckon. As much as people would like to believe that cats are indifferent, they are actually warm towards their owners and have their own personality in them too. That is why even your hamsters who might seem content to be gnawing their food in one side of the cage can have their own signature moods or attitude that prompts their owners to give them their name. Nuts can be a name to a hamster who plays too much with the peanuts shelling left over.

Circumstantial or eventful situations can also give a pet name idea. A simple example can be when your goldfish has a slight streaks of black on its natural orange color and so you decide to call him Spots. Or at the time of the storm, a canine miraculously survived being given birth to and so you dubbed him Survivor. People have pets that can remind them of a fond memory or an unforgettable experience.

People also tend to name their pets after celebrities. A chihuahua is named after a famous celebrity like Paris since she also happens to have the same breed of dog under her care. Most often, these pets stand out with their stardom names.

Humans have been known to try to tame the wild or nature. This can be such a root of the cause behind the pet naming. People just can easily relate more to their pets when they can call them with people names and give them the same treatment as if they are people as well.

Author Bio: David D. Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells hamster cages and hamster toys as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Pets
Keywords: hamster cages, hamster toys

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