Why Learn Spanish in Mexico?

Interesting question especially if you never even thought about learning Spanish. This article will have the purpose to show people that have never thought about this question, that it is important to speak Spanish, it has advantages and it gives you opportunities.

First of all, do you know how many people in the world speak Spanish? According to the article “Where Spanish is spoken: Countries and number of people speaking Spanish”, there are nearly 375,000,000 native Spanish speakers in the entire world. Now stop and think how many people have learned Spanish, who aren’t native speakers? Let’s say that the number we talked about rises up to 500,000,000 which in my opinion is a very small number. We are talking about a lot! Now lets do the math, Wikipedia says that the world population “is currently estimated to be 6,868,200,000 by the United States Census Bureau”, according to that information we have 8% of the world population who speak Spanish. Starting from there, do you see now why it is so important to learn Spanish? Before I forget Spanish is also an official language of the United Nations. After viewing the statistics we can now see why.

Latin America offers a lot to the world. If you had the chance of visiting some of these countries, then you know what I am talking about, if you don’t I strongly recommend that you taste the Latin America flavor, and one of the countries where you can do that is Mexico. That’s why let’s talk a little about Mexico. Once you learn Spanish, you don’t only learn a language, you learn a culture, traditions, history, a way to understand people, a way of living; imagine how much you gain if you learn Spanish.

The fusion of the Prehispanic culture and the Spanish culture have given Mexico a unique attractive. The different regions of this beautiful country offer you a great variety of celebrations throughout its music represented by the “marimba” in the southeast, the “acorde

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