Your Husband’s Emotional Affair Can Be Stopped – Ending an Emotional Affair

A husband’s emotional affair is one of the wife’s worst nightmares. We have seen it on movies or read about in books about how a husband is giving more attention and care on another woman than his own wife. But this does not automatically mean that he does not love his wife anymore.

There have been a lot of debates whether emotional affair constitutes infidelity or cheating. But what is certain is that physical intimacy is most likely to develop especially if the couple is always having a fight.

As soon as you notice your husband’s emotional affair, it is important that you act quickly. Do not wait until the worst will come or the problem will be irreversible. Women who are undergoing this type of problem will usually feel betrayed, devastated, and shocked. Therefore, you should do something about it as soon as possible.

Always observe anything strange or some unusual changes like you are not getting much attention anymore or he has become moody. Trust your intuition as they are always right.

You can also find out the identity of the special friend of your husband. Emotional affair usually happens with a co-worker, an old friend, or anyone over the Internet. By doing so, you will have an idea how to resolve the problem and prevent it from happening again.

Before you take any action, it is important that you know what you really want first. Ask your self if you want to continue your relationship. Weigh-in the options if what is best for you and your children. The good news is that most of the husbands who are having an emotional affair choose to go on with your relationship.

Below are the top 3 ways to stop your husband’s emotional affair:


Like any other relationship issues, talking is one of the most effective ways of ending an emotional affair. Explain to him that what he is doing is going to affect you, your work, and most importantly, your children. In this way, you will also recognize the cause of the problem and solving it will be much easier.

You can also try to talk to the special friend of your husband. Emotional affair can easily be remedied especially if the third-party has really no bad intentions.

Spend More Time With Each Other

Remember the happy moments during your first few months of your relationship. Like how you enjoy watching a movie together or go on picnics. Try to do it over again and talk about your unforgettable experiences. If you have children, bring them along with you to make it more fun.


If all else fails, you can resort to counseling programs. This might cost money but you cannot put a price on having a good family relationship. There are also different kinds of retreat programs you can attend that are enjoyable if you feel awkward attending counseling programs.

One of the biggest mistakes other women do in resolving their husband’s emotional affair is giving an ultimatum or become stricter. This will usually backfire as men do not want to be controlled over.

Author Bio: Emily Atkins is a writer about emotional affairs and other marital problems. Visit her website and learn more about ending your husband’s emotional affair

Category: Marriage
Keywords: husband emotional affair, ending an emotional affair, huband having an affair

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