17 Surefire Ways to Lose Weight and Firm up Your Body Shape

If you’ve failed many times in losing weight, try these 17 surefire ways and you’ll find out the slender shape with no harm.

1. Breakfast: The recent research indicated that people who have breakfast tend to be thinner than those who skip the meal.

2. Cereal: It is revealed that people who take cereal as breakfast everyday, comparing to those who don’t have daily cereal, are rarely found to get obesity or diabetes.

3. Nuts: There is the research indicating that over-weight people who always take almonds can get weight loss faster and better than those who control weight with other methods.

4. Sleeping: The researched reported that sleeping late at night makes you get fat as your body needs to digest something when it cannot take a rest. That’s why you need to eat at night and this absolutely makes you get fat.

5. Eating: Eating slowly is great because you can chew food better and longer that makes you feel full faster as well. So you don’t take too much food that may cause obesity.

6. Lunch: You should bring your own lunch and some healthy snacks. So wherever you are, you can have healthy food for your health and good body shape.

7. Food: If you cannot finish your meal at restaurant, do not force yourself to eat all but take them home. You not only don’t gain excessive amount of food, but also save your money for the next meal.

8. Friend: Find friends to go on losing weight plan with you as they’ll be your motivation and help you lose weight faster.

9. Indulgence: The better way to lose weight is allow yourself to eat your favorite stuff sometimes like strawberry cake. But note that it should be limited.

10. Television: The researchers stated that kids who stick to television or what we call couch potato tend to eat more and get fat easier.

11. Activity: To help lose weight, you should find some interesting activities to join like kick-boxing, rock-climbing, or even cooking.

12. Fragrance: Many researches found that those who smell sweet scent of banana, apple, and peppermint gain the decrease of hungriness and their weight also decreases.

13. Blue: It is said that food in blue color like blueberries helps decrease your appetite and hungriness.

14. Pedometer: It is found that though you are not on weight loss, you can lose weight for some by using pedometer.

15. Diary: Another good way to lose weight is to make a food diary. You can take notes of what you eat, exercise schedule, and your weight in different periods. This makes you be more systematic.

16. Weight: Weighing once a week is enough as many times of weighing a day doesn’t really help you realize the weight. Actually, there can be a mistake as naturally weight can fluctuate during 24 hours.

17. Prize: Don’t forget to give yourself a prize if you can achieve your goal of weight loss. You’ll feel good after reaching your goal with the prize; you then will be more active to lose more weight till you get the slender shape.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: lose weight,surefire ways,weight loss,losing weight,lose weight faster,help lose weight

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