5 Essential Characteristics of a Successful Internet Marketer

1/ Successful Internet Marketers Have Goals.

The dictionary says a goal is an aim or purpose. It’s a plan of action. Something that you are definitely going to do. Some goals need to be Big as this creates the excitement necessary for maximum acclomplishment. They see it big before they make it big. The really successful marketers know where they want to be with their business in 1 month, 6 months, 1 year and even 5 years from now.

Too many people treat this business like a hobby – that is they just drift from one site to another, buying the occasional products or creating the odd website promoting an affiliate. They don’t have a clearly laid out, definitive plan of action.

Ricky’s Tip: Use the SMART acronym:

Specific – This is the WHAT. Specifically what are you going to achieve.

Measurable – If you can’t measure it then you can’t manage it. Set measurable targets along the way eg. I want 1000 hits per week on my website within exactly 6 months. It’s then worth reviewing this on a weekly basis to see if on track.

Attainable – The goal needs to stretch you but not feel too far out of reach that your subconscious mind doesn’t believe it is possible.

Realistic – This goes hand in hand with attainable. Your goal must be realistic. It must be challenging and it may need some external education, training or advice but as long as you get this then it can be done.

example of attainable and realistic: you currently only receive 50 hits per week on your website and wish to increase this to 1,000 per week. Is this attainable? Of course it is. Now if you say that you want 1,000 hits by the following week then this isn’t realistic but 1,000 hits within 6 months is.

Time – You have to set a deadline. If you then need to break the goal down into mini timeframes then that is fine.

2/ Successful Internet Marketers Have Mastered The Basics:

Fundamentally Interent Marketing is about driving traffic to your site and then converting it. As long as you can do these 2 things then you will succeed. Easier said than done right? Personally my first 3-6 months were all about trial and error figuring it out for myself. My progress accelerated when I paid for the guidance and advice of a mentor. Focus on traffic first.

Ricky’s Tip: I would strongly recommend the traffic ultimatum course by George Brown. At $77 it’s a bargain. It’s a huge course that caters for everyone and is backed up with video tutorials as well. I do not want to promote this as an affiliate as I would be concerned that some people would think I am only recommending it to make myself some extra money. Just buy it and take your business to the next level.

3/ Successful Internet Marketers Have Learned The Power Of Leverage:

Time is the most valuable resource that we have. We each have exactly the same amount each day (24 hours).

The successful people do not think in terms of saving time they think in terms of leveraging time. In other words they are constantly looking for better answers to the question: how can I get better productivity in each 24 hour period? This is the essential question that we need to answer in order to discover how to best leverage our own time.

One of the keys to this is using proven, tried and tested systems. Systems make life easier. Systems allow much of this business to be set up on autopilot.

Ricky’s Tip: An excellent piece of software that can save enormous amounts of time is called SENuke. It maximises your SEO tactics in a fraction of the time. It’s a monthly subscription but you get a 7 day free trial. Used properly you will be making money from this during the trial period.

4/ Successful Internet Marketers Remain Students:

They are constantly learning. Whether it’s by reading books, listening to CDs, attending seminars or all of the above they never get complacent. Knowledge really is king. This industry is so fast moving that in order to get to and remain at the top you have to be willing to keep up with the changes.

Ricky’s Tip: Get into the habit of reading at least 10 pages of an industry related or self improvement book every day. Preferably more, but if you’re not reading at all at the moment then start with 10 pages. This may not sound a lot but if an average book is 300 pages then you will be completing 1 book per month! Imagine if you then doubled this to 20 pages and you were completing 2 books per month. Your overall knowledgebase and skills will increase exponentially. Just start the daily habit and let time take care of the rest.

Go straight to my site to find out the 5th and final key characteristic of the most successful internet marketers. You can also pick up your complete 7 Part FREE Home Study Course straight from my site below:

Author Bio: http://www.makerealmoneyonlineguide.net Ricky Knight is a Professional Internet Marketer and is determined to help as many people succeed with their online businesses as possible. He has put together a FREE 7 Part Home Study Course that reveals the exact methods he uses to generate a substantial 5 figure income every month. http://www.ricky-knight.com

Category: Internet
Keywords: key characteristics of internet marketers, make money online, home business

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