America’s Wake Up To A Renewed Faith & Liberty

Which way shall we choose?

So this New World Order is coming, you and I see it in the media all day long. The news tells us this or that, it either strikes fear, or an occasional sigh of relief, depending on what they want to do with your emotions that day.

Outrageous bills, taxes and reforms are now being put together. Resistance has been met with large volumes of people telling these “leaders” who really is boss. But perhaps we’ve been sitting on the side lines too long and it’s already too late?

Well to take a quote from Gandhi, I say this is a very true quote for us to examine but realize this truth but do not let go of the reigns in which you and I are traveling with to maintain our liberties and rights, by pushing back and waking up our neighbors.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it…always.” – Gandhi

But here now, within the sacred time in which we are all apart of, this is true for some and not for others. And in truth, the recognizing of your belief towards this quote will dictate further what we collectively want to experience & behold as the future. It really is a cross roads right now, to start seeing abundance, truth & love as the main decisive weapon towards these tyrants.

Perhaps some people dwindle upon this possibility, but have you considered that California lead the way to really creating a movement so large that in itself will never fall apart because of how people are now towards this. It’s the Marijuana movement, and even though it stills “illegal” there is absolutely so many people that decline the offer of federal intervention that it’s getting harder and harder for the federal government to regulate this “dangerious” drug.

Many have believed that Marijuana would be the reason for peace, perhaps in this case it’s the catalyst that shows man his true power over his reality!

That movement has spread through out the country, and even though they say Proposition 19 (of California) wen’t bust you and I must realize that voting fraud was counted every where this last election. So lets say that a good %50 of voters want this through. That’s well more then enough to tell the federal government to back off, and even though it didn’t go through, albeit it will not stop people from pushing back till the next time that vote comes around.

So in the same token we see that bills such as S.510 are being considered and we see abuse and aggression by the TSA. But now you and I are witnessing the same process where people are getting SICK and TIRED of being screwed around with. Again S.510 was held up in congress, again they must come back to it. It’s because of the massive push back that individuals are putting forth, same thing with TSA.

The America people are fit to be tied and many individuals who may have never thought they would be bothered by such things are now realizing the importance of keeping liberty. Many people are losing faith in the main stream media, many people are so sick and tired of liars in office that %33 of the Tea Party that ran won!

Just think now, we the people can say no again and again! No matter whose in office, with our voice and our none compliance of their issued Socialist “interests” that by the time everyone gets to vote again we will see more individuals from the Tea Party inside congress. There is a chance to move this away from the cliff.

Just imagine now will you, of the people’s push back against S.510 and the TSA issue by ratifying Ron Paul’s new legislator “American Travelers Dignity Act ” – I’m not sure if people really notice that if the American people can say NO! So strongly and push them off their high horse what else is possible? Anything.

Unifying is the answer to restoring the republic nothing else will do, people must be aware of these strong aggressive bills and SMASH THEM in their place to make a point and to continue to show this NWO that people of the world KNOW what they are doing and we will no longer be slaves to the Vatican and their Goonies.

But in the same boat – there’s a chance of total collapse if those people who sit at a distance and do nothing. The world is teetering on top of a mountain and we can swing either way just as easy. But those with the belief of liberty and freedom, that believe that the American people are marching towards a common goal – this in itself will help set the stage for those who do not yet believe in the power of the people.

Are you one? If so you are a beacon of peace and as you show this with unwavering faith that the word of god is set in stone from his or her belief then no mountain will stand once the word has been spoken.

Wake up, keep pushing back and restoring faith in yourself and by doing so you will inspire this in others! This is the magic of being connected to everything, you are not your thoughts you are being thought, so you as one little person do matter to the universe and your thoughts and belief WILL.. not maybe, WILL resurrect America to it’s fullest glory.

Author Bio: I’m a Researcher / Independent Librarian – Discover my massive work in progress that will & can teach you how to become more then you ever thought possible & learn things about the world and our history that you have never been exposed to before – VISIT: Independent Librarian – Alternative Thinking is just the beginning / Also visit The Global Information Network for FREE valuable audio programs!!

Category: Religion
Keywords: tsa, s510, s.510, ron paul, laws of attraction, god, new world order, freedom, marijuana, liberty,

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