Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone Meet New Opportunities

With the era of post-crisis changes in the global economic situation, countries have begun to focus on economic and trade development, and to achieve this goal requires the concerted efforts of all countries, this cooperation and consultations in the last two events connected to the an unprecedented height. One is held in Seoul, Korea G20 world summit and the other is closing 14 in Yokohama, Japan APEC informal leadership meeting of the Eighteenth.

If the G20 summit to discuss the Fed’s second major easing inflation risks to the global economy, then the APEC summit of the problem becomes even more practical significance. Chinese President Hu Jintao at the just-concluded APEC meeting, said the global economic recovery is facing significant uncertainty, trade protectionism increased significantly. The global economy is slowly recovering, but recovery is not solid, but uneven. APEC countries and regions to promote trade liberalization, the Government should support the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area of the research process of the Doha Round negotiations to achieve inclusive growth in the Asia-Pacific.

Eventually formed from the conference “Yokohama Declaration”, the biggest bright spot is to promote the Asia-Pacific economic balance, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, safe growth, calls upon States to take measures to promote the formation of the Asia-Pacific free trade zone, in response to the twenty-first century Opportunities and challenges. At the same time, the declaration also mentioned, APEC Group of 20 welcome the outcome of the summit in Seoul, will continue to promote the building of more powerful, flexible global financial system, oppose trade protectionism.

APEC was established 21 years ago, has been committed to promoting regional economic integration process, and its vision is to create a total economic output accounts for about 53% of the world’s “super” free trade zone, also known as the Asia-Pacific free trade zone FTAAP. This is the background of economic globalization, trade liberalization, development of a basic direction.

Currently, the Asia-Pacific region is relatively mature at this stage FTA system is the “10 +3”, that is, the 10 ASEAN countries and China, Japan, South Korea’s free trade zone. Since the China – ASEAN Free Trade Area of the world’s largest free trade area since the start of the developing countries, China’s average tariff on ASEAN from the previous 9.8% to 0.1%, while the 6 old ASEAN members Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, China’s average tariff from 12.8% to 0.6%, more than 90% of the products at zero tariff, 4 new members Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, will be zero by 2015 90% tariffs. China’s sixth largest trade partner of ASEAN has risen to the third-largest trading partner, bilateral trade volume in 2008 over 230 billion U.S. dollars.

Recovery in the global economy, trade protectionism against the backdrop of the formal completion of the FTA on economic and trade development of China, RMB internationalization process, and so would have significant overseas investment opportunities.

In fact, neighboring countries to accelerate economic integration process is what our government are working for. May 12, Premier Wen Jiabao called on to accelerate in Japan, China and South Korea trilateral free trade agreement signed. May 29 to 30, the third in China, Japan, South Korea summit meeting held in Jeju Island, Premier Wen Jiabao proposed three mechanisms and framework for promoting cooperation, and actively implement the “2020 Japan-ROK cooperation in the Outlook” common document, Japan and South Korea free trade area to promote government-industry-academia joint study, Japan and South Korea reached an investment agreement as soon as possible to strengthen the standardization, the establishment of trilateral cooperation Secretariat.

Of course, the Asia-Pacific region there are “10+6” mechanism envisaged that the 10 ASEAN countries plus China, Japan, ROK and India, Australia, New Zealand, but the mechanism of recognition to be increased.

All in all, with the East Asian economies and the strength of the economic development of Asia, raising the level of economic and trade liberalization in the Asia-Pacific Region to the current post-crisis era is more and more developed countries tend to trade protection as a checks and balances.

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