Baseball Equipment – How it All Evolved Into What it is Today?

Baseball is a wonderful game that has hardly changed over the years. However, over the years, baseball equipment has improved tremendously. It is very important that you know about the new developments so you can these to your advantage. However, before you use any of these, ensure that you are aware of the baseball instruction that is associated with that particular equipment.

The best example of the evolution of the protective baseball gear is that used for the catcher. In the early days of the game, he was supposed to be ready to get hurt; it was part of the game. Gradually, the protective gear for the face mask, mouth guard, chest protector, gloves and the shin guard has improved for the safety of the player. He still gets hurt, but he manages it much better today.

The mouth guard was engineered to protect the teeth better, and it is used as protection in the event the face mask protection is compromised. The face mask was a hit right since 1876 when it was first introduced. It gave superb protection and was very comfortable to use. Both the spectators and the players were happy with it right from day 1.

Now all the protection gear was received so well as the face mask. When the first catcher wore for the first time thick padded shin guards, he was almost booed off the field. The spectators jeered at his lack of courage and taunted his manliness. Fortunately, good sense prevailed and the shin plates became standard equipment in the day to come. All baseball players owe a big ‘thank you

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