Binaural Beats CD – Listen and Be Transformed

Binaural Beats CD recordings are actually created in such a way to have an impact on the brain waves. By simply following a simple sound recording program could help you increase your concentration, cut down stress and anxiety, increase your IQ, creativity and boost efficiency People with trained minds will be able to move between different states simply by intending it.

Human Brain

Our brain is made up of billions of brain cells often called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. It is an estiblished fact that we have electrical activity (brainwaves) going on in our brains. As an illustration, Alpha brainwaves have been linked to states of relaxation and have been discovered to be present during most meditational states. Alpha brain waves make it possible for individuals to experience greater levels of intellectual learning.

Brains have two hemispheres, left and right. The left hemisphere is sequential, linear, logical, practical, mathematical, and time orientated.The right hemisphere is creative, musical, artistic and imaginative. Brain function could be boosted through the enhancement of cross-colossal communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.


Brainwaves have been divided into 4 predominant speed ranges, or types. Brainwave types are associated with different mind states, or states of consciousness. Brainwaves vary in their rhythm based on what we are doing.

Alpha and theta are both healing states and are the states that experienced meditators evoke. It has already been long established that healing takes place quicker when these states are established; that the body/mind’s natural capacity for healing is activated. Alpha waves are one type of brain waves detected either by electroencephalography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG) and predominantly originate from the occipital lobe during wakeful relaxation with closed eyes. Alpha waves are reduced with open eyes and drowsiness and sleep.

Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback results in some 80% of those addicts properly trained becoming non-craving, healthy people with well adjusted neurochemistry (Peninston; Kulkosky, 1990).

Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave Entrainment Technologies aren’t a fantasy, or a futuristic technological innovation cooked up by science fiction. Brainwave entrainment is a real technology accessible to every person right now. Brainwave entrainment, also called “brain wave synchronization,” is a science backed by over seventy years of scientific research.

Brainwave entrainment, too known as binaural beat entrainment, makes use of two different frequencies in each ear to produce a third beneficial frequency inside the mind. This is how you stimulate your own brainwaves with a set of headphones.

Brainwave Entrainment Technology is embedded binaural beat frequencies and monaural tones create hemispheric synchronization while tuning your brainwaves to specific frequencies that are most effective for subliminal programming. Brainwave entrainment through binaural sound helps the brain generate specific ranges of electrical activity in brainwave cycles, helping facilitate states of consciousness that enable desired activities and outcomes.

Benefits of Brain Entrainment Technology

Brainwave entrainment technology can help in all respects, generating bliss and delight, a positive outlook and even induce frequencies that will boost healing that is also physical. The effectiveness of self healing is no longer limited – now readily obtainable all over the world, especially in cyberspace.

Binaural Beats CD

Binaural Beats CD are available to aid in a range of areas. Some are designed especially to reduce blood pressure, treat insomnia or to balance the brain in order to address certain mental complications

Great things about listening to Binaural Beats CD

Brain entrainment can free an individual from insomnia by entraining the brain to the theta level whereas people with ADD find their condition improves when their brain is entrained to the theta level. People are most susceptible to learning and behavioral change when they are in the alpha state.

Binaural Beats CD been around for years. By listening to the specially-created sounds using headphones, our brainwaves are changed, taking it to a lower frequency the same as those achieved after years of practice.


Meditation is good for our body and soul. Though nobody know precisely when meditation started, researchers speculate that primitive hunter-gatherer communities might have discovered meditation and its changed states of consciousness while staring at the flames of their fires. Meditation practiced on a regular basis has been shown to reduce symptoms of stress such as high blood pressure, racing heart and sleep problems.

Experienced meditators whose bodily functions were monitored using Biofeedback Equipment (EEG/EKG/GSR) show the exact same lowered rates of heartbeat and breathing. The same decreased rates that you will experience when you listen to this CD! Experienced meditators can access this deeply relaxed state at will, but it usually takes a lot of practice to get to that point. However, the process is made easier if you listen to a theta brainwave CD or mp3 download.


Simply by listening to these CDs for 30 minutes to an hour, help the listener to easily enter states of increased intelligence, creative thinking, relaxation, vitality, etc, without any unwanted side effects . These kinds of CDs are specifically created to address the specific frequencies associated with issues such as sleep, pain, stress, etc.

Today with the diffusion of the internet, this brainwave entrainment technology can be massively distributed to the masses via the form of a mp3 download.

Author Bio: Keith Lee is into the study and research of human brain function and development, to dicover ways to enhance human brain power. To get a free sample of Binaural Beats CD, visit his site at

Category: Self Help
Keywords: Meditation CD, Brainwave CD, Binaural CD, Brain Entrainment CDs, Binaural Beats CD, Brain Waves CD,

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