Business Health Checks – Beyond An Optional Subject

The concept referred to as business health checks has always existed, though perhaps on many occasions it has not been officially termed and realised as a fully fledged business activity. Organisations have internally monitored project flows, checked several accounts for business consistency and undertook various other checking roles, without realising it formed part of a business health check. But what was missing was the collaborative effort of the whole business.

What Are Business Health Checks?

Business health checks are an extensive insight into an existent business’s functioning pattern. This will analyse the various sub processes aimed at assessing the setup and thereby identifying possibilities, which could help improve upon the overall performance efficiency and effectiveness of the business.

If the definition seems like a sophisticated encapsulation of perhaps a routine job you’ve been doing everyday, then honestly ask yourself a simple question. When was the last time that you completely reviewed each and every aspect of your setup? A month maybe … or actually more than that? Also while phrasing the answer, remember the term ‘completely’, as it is important. Whenever it was the last time you checked the business, was it an extensive inspection covering all that exists to help you generate or execute business? If in fact you can’t remember when the business was looked at closely, don’t worry as you are not alone.

On the whole, with people focusing on the ladder of success, there are a decreasing amount of hours left for an internal scrutiny of the business. And even if the task is managed, more than often, a few corners are left untouched on account of saying ‘later’ or ‘not important’ or ‘this a dead file.’ Also the checks are subject to an undefined prejudice, which again beats the purpose of undertaking a comprehensive business health check.

What do Business Health Checks Entail?

Business health checks are an internal examination procedure, undertaken to bring out possible weaknesses in the business that affects the overall functioning pattern. In line with the objective, the health check begins by finding relevant answers to a predefined questionnaire. This questionnaire includes subjects like the structural pattern, internal communication procedures, project alignment vis-

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