Consumer Reports TV – Pros and Cons of 3D TVs

Do you enjoy 3D movies like James Cameroon’s Avatar? Well, now that very same 3D technology, which is used in a movie theater becoming a part of latest television technology and in fact part of all home entertainment systems be it gaming console as well as Blu-Ray Players. It has turned out to be the latest buzzword of our time. The 3D technology is directly integrated into the television sets.

With this article, we will look into the pros and cons of 3D TV technology and so you will be able to realize if 3D TV is worth the purchase or just media hype and will it become a success story or not. In keeping with Consumer Reports TV, the cost of including the 3D technology within TV sets has come down significantly and now there is a meager difference between a non-3D TV and TV with an integrated 3D technology. At present, this difference averages between $500 and $700 and is likely to come down further within a year or so, which will further push up the sales of 3D TV.

The lone disadvantage of the technology is the added cost of buying the 3D glasses. You need 3D glasses to enjoy 3D broadcast/playback. So, when you buy 3D TV, you as well have to buy these, as nearly all 3D TVs come with one pair of glasses and you will need to buy spare glasses for other members of your family. At present, these glasses cost about $125, however akin to other things, the cost of glasses is as well likely to come down once these are mass-produced and become popular. In addition, when the sale of the 3D TV starts to drop due to high price for the glasses, the manufacturers will reduce the cost of these glasses to coax more consumers into buying these TVs. With Christmas and holiday seasons, coming up several companies will probably come up with promotional offers wherein they might offer two pairs of glasses with the 3D TV that you plan to buy.

Probably the biggest reasons that will make 3D TV technology successful are the future software upgrade to the game consoles like Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft XBOX and also the future Blu-ray players. The moment the 3D technology is incorporated into these devices, which can absolutely change the gaming experience of a person; more and more people will start buying these 3D TV.

People simply follow the trend and accept any latest technology that is available simply because it is better than the earlier ones, remember DVDs took over from CDs. The only major thing that can avoid 3D TV from being successful is its price. Even if individuals are not ready to accept the 3D TV technology, Hollywood film and TV industry has decided to move forward and this will further ensure that people accept it in next to no time. Accept it or not 3D TV technology is here to stay. The only thing that matters the most is if you have decided to buy one, you should read consumer reports on 3D TV so that you are well informed on the TV you intend to buy.

Author Bio: Marcella is an expert in the field. For more information on consumer reports and on consumer reports TV Please visit:

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: consumer reports TV, consumer reports, consumer report, free consumer reports, consumer reports came

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