Dog Health

You want the healthiest dog possible, so when you choose the puppy that you will take home, find the healthiest looking one possible. The one that is playful, bright-eyed and outgoing. This will be one of the first ways to ensure that when your puppy grows up, it will be a healthy dog. Of course, you have to help along the way.


Make sure you take the puppy for their vaccinations. This is extremely important because dogs can get diseases that will kill them just like people. The parvovirus is one and it is very contagious. Distemper and rabies are a couple more. Your dog should have the vaccinations for these diseases and keep up to date on boosters they may need.

Food and Water

Always make sure your dog has a good supply of fresh drinking water. Dogs will often make a mess of their water. If they are outside they will throw dirt in it by digging, they will turn it over and generally make a mess. So, you will have to check on this often.

The food you feed your dog will be another way of keeping him healthy. This needs to be a good quality with the right vitamins and minerals for your dog. Your veterinarian can tell you what your dog needs better than anyone else. They will know if they have special needs when they examine them. Read the labels on dog food and avoid the ingredients that are not conducive to good health.

Your dog’s dental health may be a concern as well. There are some veterinary dentists that recommend brushing your dog’s teeth daily. They can develop plaque and tartar on their teeth just as people can and this needs to be addressed. There are some products on the market that are made to help remove this from your dog’s teeth and you should ask your vet about this.

Good grooming is one way to keep your pet healthy. Some breeds have more complicated needs when it comes to keeping their ears cleaned and free of hair. They can often develop an ear infection if this is not done properly. Likewise for the toenails; they need to be trimmed as well. They can grow too long and cause walking problems for your puppy or dog.

Just as all of the things mentioned above are ways of keeping your puppy or dog healthy, exercise is another. Your dog will need to get plenty of exercise on a daily basis in order to keep them from becoming overweight. When they gain too much weight they can suffer from many health problems just as people do. Research shows approximately 40% of the dogs in the U.S. today are overweight.

A healthy dog can live for many years and this is what you have in mind when you purchase that cute little puppy. You want him to be a part of your family for a long time. The best way to ensure that he is around as your friend and companion for as long as possible is to provide the essential needs so that he can be as healthy as possible.

Author Bio: Kelly Marshall is a popular contributor at – where you can find dog feeders, large dog toys, pet ramps, and more unique dog gear that you’ll never find at your local pet store.

Category: Pets
Keywords: dogs,dog health,health tips for dogs,dog health care,dog vaccines,dog grooming

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