Domestic Battery Cases on the Rise

It is a sad state of affairs, but these days many people will tend to use their fists when they get annoyed with their spouse or live in partner. This escalating problem covers all levels of society and when it occurs it brings a lot of problems for the children and extended family. When the police are involved, the best thing to do is to contact a domestic abuse attorney to figure out what the next best move should be. Indeed, it is only a domestic violence attorney who will be able to work out the best way to tackle the problem but in the court.

Unfortunately, whenever women are battered by their loved ones, they often do not report this right away. Because they tend to think of the children and how they are going to manage to keep them fed etc, they will often excuse the behavior because they will have no other means to keep them other than the person who is doing the battering. Although we all like to think that it is better to be alone than suffer like this, how will she feed the children if the breadwinner is the one perpetrating the crime?

Indeed, this is how women have had to live for centuries since it used to be that only the man went to work. Nowadays, of course, things have changed somewhat, but how many women earn enough to pay for children’s needs and cater for all the other things that the children need on a daily basis?

This is not only limited to the working class or poor people either. Those in high-flying professions are just as likely to batter the wife as those who live on a much lower income. The only difference is that the better off person can hide the facts better but will often go that one step too far when the scandal hits the media.

Men too suffer the same problems when they have a volatile wife at home. Although instances like this are on the rise, it is still only fifteen per cent of cases reported that will be a battery crime being perpetrated on the man. This is definitely a case of males being more likely to commit the crime than females.

What the experts do, when the case is picked up by the police, is to try to find a way for the perpetrator to get some warnings before they are sentenced to prison time. If it is a first offense they are often ordered to get some counseling or anger management classes. Since the court demands this, they will have to make sure that they fulfill the requirements otherwise they will be forced to take the whole sentence as was originally passed down.

It is not the intention of the court to break up families but rather to mediate where there is no clear answer. However, this kind of case is very difficult to judge so the court must look after the vulnerable above all else.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter was fascinated by the quality work provided by the Las Vegas domestic abuse attorney he spent time with. He recently reviewed the cases of a Las Vegas domestic violence attorney.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: Las Vegas domestic abuse attorney,Las Vegas domestic violence attorney

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