DUI Perpetrators Must Seek Expert Help

It is obvious, as we progress further into the future, that behavior that puts others at risk is not acceptable under the law. Indeed, there are many people who still do not understand that drinking or taking banned substances and then getting behind the wheel of a car is highly irresponsible. However, for those people who insist on doing so, it is inevitable that they will be caught out one day. When the police are involved it is time to call in the services of a DUI lawyer to represent him in the court and try to make the best of a bad deal. DUI attorneys will scrutinize all the event leading up to the arrest and try to mitigate the eventual punishment if they can.

Although most of us adhere to the rules when it comes to driving, some people will just take the risk. They do not see why they should be stopped from doing whatever they can even if they are over the legal alcohol limit. So bad has the situation become, and death and damage rates are on the rise, that some states are enacting the zero tolerance rule.

Of course, we all like to think that we could not harm anyone, but being under the influence is what makes us think that we can do anything. This is a big mistake obviously because we also assume that we will not meet anyone else feeling the same way coming directly for us. Two drivers who are both under the influence is disaster waiting to happen and this often leads to innocent people being damaged or killed.

We are all to blame when we get in a car knowing full well that the driver has had several too many drinks. By condoning this behavior just so that we can get a lift, we are not only putting our own lives at risk but that of others wherever we may be traveling to. Once children are involved in this kind of accident, we realize that we have made probably the biggest mistake of our lives and some people just cannot live with it.

However, that being said, even those who are arrested for driving under the influence have rights and these must be upheld if the case is not to be thrown out of court. For example, we do not have to undergo those demeaning roadside tests that we see on the TV. The driver can insist upon having all tests done in the station house. This gives him some time to collect himself and work out what the next move should be.

Neither is he expected to make a statement which could incriminate him. This should be clearly stated to him when he is being arrested. His ‘Miranda

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