How to Play an Active Role in G20

G20 summit of economic and financial coordination and cooperation mechanism for the formation of the mind, is the global financial crisis and economic downturn, the world clearly understand that only based on the global economic and financial stability, strengthen macro-economic policy and monetary policy multilateral international cooperation and coordination, the risk-sharing is possible through the difficult times of global economic recovery and restore the stability of international financial order. Therefore, G20 summit framework of international cooperation and coordination mechanisms of the formation is in line with the fundamental interests of countries in the world where, as a global economic and financial policy coordination of the important mechanisms. G20 summit held regularly to coordinate national responses to international financial crisis, the views and position, although it comes with a certain degree of emergency, on the role of the countries is not mandatory and can not effectively address the future of global issues, but between members understanding the global economy at this stage, the operation has a significant financial impact. As a result, in September 2009 held in Pittsburgh’s third financial summit, G20 was officially established as “the main platform for international economic cooperation.”

G20 in the form of cooperation and coordination mechanisms in countries with economies based on various unique way of coordinating economic and financial policies of the multilateral framework, has been held five times. In the current international financial crisis and global economic situation has not alleviate the increase in the case of variables, how to handle the coordination and national interests of the independent international relations, grasp the macro-economic policy and monetary policy-oriented and reform the international financial system is still facing the world The problem, I am afraid that this heavy responsibility of non-cooperation and coordination mechanism is none other than G20.

G20 summit of the G8 summit before the formation mechanism, not only is the dominant position of Western countries and an important mechanism for policy coordination is also regarded as essential to global economic policy coordination mechanisms, once in the western countries and the world played an economic policy coordination important role. The international financial crisis, despite the G8 mechanism is still the coordinate positions and policies of Western countries the importance of the summit, but their importance compared with the G20 mechanism less a lot, its existence seems to be more of just a mere formality, or G20 mechanism of the foil. Denied, G8 cooperation and coordination mechanisms in dealing with global issues and coordination of national policies do have a role to play, but as the global economic and financial developments, G8-led global economic system, financial representative, authoritative, etc. side is increasingly challenged. Public opinion generally believes that the global financial crisis, G8 member countries in macroeconomic policy and monetary policy co-ordination has always been there are differences, of international cooperation and coordination should be people’s expectations and falls far short of international coordination and national interests, independent of the conflict also more apparent.

Representation of the G8 mechanism is limited to Western countries, and G20 mechanism for broader representation. Therefore, the “post-crisis period” G8 mechanism to solve the issue of this series has been inadequate, and its authority is clearly not enough; and people put more hope in the mechanism G20, G20 mechanism of multilateral international cooperation and coordination mechanisms are more breadth and diversity, worldwide more authoritative.

Thus, how the financial crisis and monetary policy on macroeconomic policies to strengthen international cooperation and coordination, G8 mechanism could play a role and influence greatly reduced, while the G20 mechanism and impact of increasingly more important. G8 and G20 in the case of the coexistence mechanisms, the international community and the media G8 international cooperation and policy coordination mechanism, while talking about the limitations and authority, G20 mechanism is bound to replace most of the functionality G8 mechanism, become the dominant global economic cooperation irreplaceable and important mechanism for policy coordination.

The face of the huge impact the financial crisis, G20 members in multilateral cooperation and coordination mechanism, through a concerted policy to stimulate the economy weather the financial crisis and the difficult period of economic recession, which is more common in international economic history of the world can not be of macroeconomic policy cooperation and coordination. But just when the global economic recovery and the financial crisis will soon subside gradually when the affected European countries sovereign debt crisis surfaced, many countries affected by economic stimulus plan began to look to bring the fiscal deficit and debt problems, some of the world economy macroeconomic policy and monetary policy is also a serious division, the dispute surfaced natural “water.”

Into the recovery phase in the global economy and uneven, and the recovery period, some countries faster recovery against the risk of inflation, weakening economic stimulus efforts to timely make the necessary adjustments, or is the right time, while the United States, Europe, Japan chose a new round of quantitative easing, the economic recovery increased liquidity.

Obviously, on the one hand, due to the economic recovery of the economy at different speeds, so the implementation of a unified monetary policy easing interest rates or not realistic, economies based on their economic situation needs to determine its monetary policy; but on the other hand, pre- Governments join forces to stimulate the economy once monetary policy has been a fundamental divide, as countries monetary policy to stimulate the economy back into the same can not be the same, the coordination of national monetary policy is facing new challenges. Into the second half of 2010, in the growing “currency war” has become a major threat to global economic recovery in the case of one of the risks to US-led developed economies to further strengthen the quantitative easing policy, will further intensify the developed economies and emerging economies body in the monetary policy contradictions and conflicts.

In that case, G20 cooperation and coordination mechanisms are also left people with the future more thought. G20 summit will ultimately what kind of international coordination and cooperation in the form exist, “post-crisis period” G20 summit on international cooperation and coordination of multilateral and how to start thinking on this topic seems more realistic and long-term significance.

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