How to Provide Computer Security For Your Online Business?

It is believed that the problem of computer security has changed over a period of time as businesses, through an increased use of information technology (IT), have become more and more dependent on information and the associated information systems (IS). However, at the same time, there has been limited change in the implemented security or safeguards to these information systems. In fact many executives or managers fail to even identify the relevant requirement for security or policies.

The internet has been roughly doubling in size every year, and the associated security incidents have been running in parity. Even if the percentage of malicious users is small, the increase in size of the internet and in the number of incidents of failed security is significant. The importance of the growth in the internet can be highlighted by the fact that in July 1991, 33% of internet users were from the commercial sector, whereas July 1996, this figure had risen to 50%.

In 1988, the Morris ‘worm’ was introduced on the internet to invade, attack and replicate itself on the network. The response was to shut down E-mail and connectivity. However, the ‘fixes’ were to be distributed via E-mail and so the solution was self- defeating. As a result of this worm virus, CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) was formed, with the Australian version (AUSCERT) starting to 1992.

One of the problems with internet security is the fact that the incidents are increasing in sophistication. One of the reasons for this has been the increasing availability of toolkits. Although these toolkits are designed to assist computer systems designers to protect and develop their sites, they also allow relatively ignorant intruders to carry out increasingly complex incidents with the utilisation of many routers and disguises to reach their ‘target”.

The thing to remember with security is that the system administrators must get it right all the time; the intruder must get it right just once. Evidence of this is easy to find. In 1997, a teenager hacked into a Bell Atlantic network. His hacking crashed the computer and resulted in 600 homes, a regional airport and emergency services being without telephone communications for six hours. And what was the punishment for this offense? Two years of probation, community service and a fine of US$5,000.

Governments are getting tough on cybercrimes, especially in the wake of September 11th. These crimes are being linked to national security, which in the US is not of major concern to government officials and the general public alike. And the government has been swift to act. That is why, some states in US does not allow any self defense product to be owned by individuals because of the incident. In late 2001, the US Patriot act was introduced. This act increased the maximum sentence for breaking into a computer from five to ten years. Then in July 2002, the House of Representatives approved Cyber Security Enhancement Act. Now, if a cybercrime results in the death of an individual, the offender could face a life sentence. There has been additional fall- out from the September 11th attacks with the FBI and other government security agencies dramatically escalating their monitoring of the internet. This has pushed some hackers further underground, fearful that what they had previously been doing out of boredom or challenge could now be viewed as an act of terrorism.

Author Bio: Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of which provides a good variety of Spy Gear and TASER for personal protection. To learn more on how these products can save your life, please visit

Category: Internet
Keywords: Self defense product,computer security,computer virus,cybercrimes,hackers,internet

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