I am Woman, Hear Me Roar!

I don’t know any woman that doesn’t have an opinion, whether good or bad, about her weight. We’re all constantly in a balancing act of trying to lose it, gain it, or sustain it. Of course, most of us veer more towards the constantly trying to lose it side of the spectrum. How do we keep our balance on that constantly teetering slippery slope of satisfaction with our body image?

Losing weight and becoming your best self is not always the easiest proposition for women. I have so many women come to me and tell me how hard it is to motivate themselves, change old habits, or even know what to do when they start working out. After my many years of training and encouraging women (and men!) to lead a better life, I’ve got some great fat loss workouts for women that, if paired with a diligent diet plan, is guaranteed to make a difference. I’m Callie Durbrow of Durbrow Performance Personal Training, and I’m ready to help you be the best you possible!

Ab rollouts – Put your body in plank position on a yoga ball, with your toes up on the ground with your body’s front facing the ground. Put your elbows on top of the yoga ball. Using only your shoulders, roll the ball out a little and then bring it back in. Sounds easy right? Wrong. This is actually really hard. It uses every part of your abs and, in my opinion, is much better than a crunches routine.

Squat jumps – Stand in a plie. That’s with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent. Put your arms in the air. From this position, jump straight into the air as high as you can. When you land, be sure to bend your knees slightly. For a variation, try jumping in front of you instead of only into the air. Again, this starts out easy but by the end your quads will be screaming for mercy! Workout gold!

Sandbag throw – Find a sandbag. Usually these are at your local gym or you can make one yourself. Start with a 40 pound sandbag. Lay it on the floor between your feet. Squat and pick it up with both hands. Throw it over your side.

Boxing – boxing is an excellent way to relieve stress, get out some anger, and have a great time! All you need is a sturdy pair of boxing gloves and a boxing bag. There’s no rhyme or reason to it – just wail on the bag until it begs for mercy! Just go as hard and fast for as long as you can.

Kettle bells – Kettle bell workouts are a great way to engage your entire body. There are so many different things you can do with kettle bells but my favorite is just the basic kettle bell swing. Hold the kettle bell with both hands between your legs as you stand with feet shoulder width apart. Swing the kettle bell into the air using the force of your squat. This fat loss workout for women is second to none!

Author Bio: Callie Durbrow is a strength coach and personal trainer in Boston, Massachusetts. She currently trains clients to lose body fat, gain strength, and challenge their bodies with each session. Her speciality is fat loss workouts for women. Her training style is a combination of conventional strength work, modified strongman training, and overall conditioning. Visit her at http://www.durbrowperformance.com to find out more about personal training and small group training.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: fat loss workouts for women

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