Jing Energy

Jing energy is chi guided by mind intent into a specific expression or form. Jing energy can be divided into physical expressions and energetic expressions. At first, jings often require physical movement to be effective. However, at higher levels of training, jings can be achieved using no physical movement at all. Although they can’t be seen, they can definitely be felt.

Jing energy is not just something you can learn about in a weekend or even a year and then know all there is to know about the topic. It is a broad and deep field of study. It requires a lot of study and practice to be able to achieve each type of jing as well as to be able to apply them in a variety of ways. It also ordinarily requires the guidance of a skilled master.

To get a feel for the depth of study available, many practitioners of Tai Chi know something about rooting. Rooting deals with how far below the ground the center of gravity is located as well as how well attached to the ground a person is. Most westerners have a root that is only just a few inches below the ground or less. In contrast, a Tai Chi master will have a root that goes many feet into the ground, and likely hundreds of feet. If an average person were to try to move them, it would feel like trying to pull concrete up out of the floor. The master would feel absolutely immovable, but wouldn’t need to use much energy to resist. If they were to strike, because of the depth of their root, it would feel like they were hitting with concrete blocks.

Rooting is not just a matter of being attached to the ground. It also enables practitioners to do things that they would not be able to do without a deep root. To really accomplish anything with jing energy, you need to develop root depth and volume. Think of it this way. If you want to throw water at someone, but you only have enough water to cover the very bottom of a cup, you may not even be able to hit them with any water. However, if you have a full cup, you are going to be able to do something. Or if you want to make a whirlpool in your cup, if you only have enough water to cover the bottom of the cup, you won’t be able to make a proper whirlpool at all. You will only be able to spin the water around the edge.It’s the same with jings. A deep and broad root enable you to do things you couldn’t without them.

There are many different kinds of jings. There are 36 basic jings in Tai Chi practice. Among these are Fa Jing or explosive energy, Ting Jing or listening energy, Spiral Jing, Cold Jing, Vibrating Jing, Magnetic Jing, Heavy, Rooted or Sinking jing, Absorbing Jing, Empty Force Jing, Neutralizing Jing, and Rolling or Folding Jing. Beyond the basic types, there are many advance jings, combination’s of jings and methods of using jings as well.

Author Bio: Sigung Richard Clear has over 30 years of continuous study in Tai Chi Chuan both in the U.S. and China. Check out more articles and his Tai Chi DVD selection at ClearsTaiChi.com

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Tai Chi Chuan, Jing Energy, jings, Tai Chi DVD

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