Legal Non-Violent Minor Offences And The Consequences

Legal Non-Violent Minor Offences are those offences that are against the law and yet they are not often deemed serious enough to take to court, should it only occur once or twice. For this reason the culprit is not always charged but this is at the discretion of the police.

Offences which are not violent and which do not pose a danger to society or the perpetrator is sometimes thought of as an indiscretion more than a crime. This is because, although it is against the law, no harm can come of it if it does not continue or escalate to higher levels.

There are various types of offences which are deemed non violent and minor. Should a person with no drug related history be caught carrying a small amount of marijuana which is thought to be too small to sell then the person might be given an official warning due to the nature of the offence.

Another example of a non violent minor offence would be someone with no drug related history being caught under the influence of a drug such as Marijuana. This person must have no intention to sell the drug and he or she does must not have a large amount in his or her possession.

Shop left might also be labeled as a non violent minor offence if the person has no previous record of stealing and the amount of stolen goods is not large. An example of this would be someone who decides to steal a toothbrush from a shop.

Although this crime might be minor, it is still up to the discretion of the shop owner to press charges or not. If the shop owner does not press charges then the offender might be let off with a warning that further action will be taken if he or she continues to commit the offence.

In order for the person who has committed the minor offence to have the chance to be let off with a warning, he or she must admit to the crime and they must not continue committing it or further action might be taken by the police.

Often these offences are committed by young people who have their entire lives ahead of them. They do not always think clearly about the consequences of their actions and the law takes this into account as long as the actions did not harm them or the people involved.

Should the offender be charged with a non violent offence, he or she might be given a punishment such as community service instead of imprisonment. This depends on the amount of times the person has been charged with this offence. First time offenders are often let off lightly.

Community service might involve activities such as cleaning little off the roads or working for a community service project such as a soup kitchen for an allotted amount of time. Normally it is something that will benefit the community and punish the person at the same time.

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Category: Legal
Keywords: legal, law, lawyer, DUI, criminal lawyer, business, tickets, traffic tickets, Professional

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