Living in a Glass World

This article will probably make a few video production/editing company’s cringe. It certainly wouldn’t be an observation they would be writing about on their blog.

like you, I have been mesmerized by the latest television shows that fall in the category of “reality shows” where the audience gets to ease drop in on someone’s personal life, business life etc. This trend seems to be tapping in to a basic truth about people’s nature.


In a media world where everything is edited, photoshoped, bleeped etc. people are looking for something REAL. They want transparency.

Gone are the days where you can hide behind your company’s corporate image perfectly designed by advertising agencies; or if you happen to be a public figure, shielded behind your image team who is constantly doing “damage control.”

I am reminded of the story of the congressman who assaulted the college students on a Washington sidewalk when asked a question. The students flip cam was on and recorded the entire confrontation and it went viral within a few hours. The congressman failed to realize that we are now a living in a very different world; a world where transparency is no longer an option. It’s time to throw out the term “living in a glass house”.

It’s now more like we are “living in a glass world”.

With the information age and the internet news travels in almost Real time. Now everyone is a reporter because of phones equipped with cameras and video capabilities. Twitter and Facebook are quickly becoming the micro newsrooms of our day.

There is no stopping this trend. It is the new way that we are interacting and communicating.

If you are a business or public figure, it’s time that you learn the new rules of engagement. People want to see the good, the bad, and the ugly.

If you are a hotel that is advertising a sparkling swimming pool as one of your amenities, Then it had better be sparkling. Otherwise, someone is going to go to the internet and right a negative review or “Tweet” their experience on Twitter.

I you are willing to take my advice, it is to just keep it real.

One person who has figured out this new trend is a social media guru by the name of Gary Vay-ner-chuk. He is the founder of a video blog called “Wine Library TV” that he launched on YouTube in 2006. It became a phenomenal success for several reasons.

The one that I wish to point out for this article is his ability to connect with his audience in a real way. When the camera is turned on, you get it all. No bleeps, no edits.

His show creates a feeling like Gary is in your living room and you are sitting around the dining room table talking shooting the bull. It’s funny, it’s educational, it’s real.

The next moguls of our new media world will be the ones that learn the value of keeping it real. You can’t hide behind your mistakes; besides people want to see those too. Embrace this new trend. Make it work for you.

One way you can do this is by creating video blogs of what your business is doing. This is a new trend that you are seeing now all over social sites like YouTube. But remember, Leave the cameras rolling, even if you have to sneeze.

Author Bio: Rodney Jansen is an entrepreneur and multiple business owner. He currently consults with businesses on how to move their brick and mortar business into the social media space. He is also a consultant in the Network Marketing industry. Read more of his articles about marketing on his personal blog at

Category: Marketing
Keywords: social media marketing,internet marketing,network marketing,refferal marketing

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