Melaleuca Business Opportunity Review

I made a comment on of a top network marketer’s blog post and the next day I received a call from a gentlemen inquiring what I did for a living. Of course he wasn’t really interested in what I was doing, he went to make a pitch for the company he is involved in called Melaleuca Inc. This lead me to research and write this “Melaleuca Business Opportunity Review.”

Melaleuca has been around for a long time and even though Melaleuca Inc. says this is not a MLM company, it looks like one to me. Nothing wrong with that, in fact I like MLM companies. Melaleuca has products that contain Melaleuca oil which is a common name for tea tree oil. Consumers can purchase products directly from the company’s web site.

In taking a look at this, one of the best things about Melaleuca Inc. is the business opportunity. As with most mlm companies, they allow average people to get involved and give them the possibility of making a lucrative income. It does not cost a ton of money to get involved and as I said earlier the potential to make a lot of money is huge. However, as I say that if you are thinking of getting involved it is important for you to do your homework. So in my Melaleuca business opportunity review I studied the three major aspects of Melaleuca.

Melaleuca Business Opportunity Review

The History of the Company

Melaleuca originally was called Oil of Melaleuca, Inc. This started out in the MLM platform and sold one product. In 1985, Frank VanderSloot took over ownership of the company and made some major changes.

He changed the name from Oil of Melaleuca, Inc. to Melaleuca Inc. The company made sure all of their products were in line with FDA regulations. They then worked on the pay structure to turn the company into a consumer direct marketing company.

The company has evolved into a very prosperous company with annual sales of almost $900 million dollars. They are privately held company based in Idaho and their products compete directly with the well-known companies Johnson & Johnson and Proctor & Gamble.

The Products

As mentioned earlier Melaleuca started out marketing products that used the tree tea oil. They have since grown their product line to include products in health, wellness, cosmetics, and also home and cleaning products. The claim is all their products are environmentally friendly and of course they claim you can get significant savings as compared to buying products from well-known retail and chain stores.

The Opportunity or Compensation

Melaleuca, Inc claims it is not a MLM company but rather a “Consumer Direct Marketing” company. I still don’t understand that but maybe they do not want the stigma of being a MLM company. But here’s the deal you get paid when people buy the products and of course you make money off of people in your downline. Sounds like a MLM company to me.

As a distributor or an affiliate or as a “marketing executive” for Melaleuca, Inc. you work on a 5 x 5 matrix. That means you can have 5 people directly linked to you on your first level, then 25 on your second level, 125 on your third level, and potentially up to 15,625 on your fifth level. If all of those people use Melaleuca products, you can make serious money.

So there it is, my Melaleuca Business Opportunity Review. I do not believe in the articles or ads that talk about the “Melaleuca Business Opportunity Scam.” This is a legitimate business. With all MLM companies the key is to build your business or downline. If you have the work ethic and knowledge of building teams, you can make some money in this company.

Author Bio: For those of you considering joining Melaleuca or any MLM business I recommend you check out my MLM Boot Camp to learn how to generate an endless supply of FREE leads for you to succeed in any business you chose. You can find more advice on My Blog about relationship and appreciation marketing, how to market with social media, and the proper way to make use of traditional prospecting techniques.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Melaleuca Business Opportunity Review,Melaleuca Business Opportunity Scam,mlm opportunity review

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