Multinational Car Manufacturers Brand Structure Survey

As the worldwide automotive industry and automotive market growth, global scale have produced many well-known brands. Toyota is now on the market, Honda, Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, BMW, Audi, Ford, Buick, Cadillac, etc., have been a few decades or even centuries of history. And they still showed different degrees of vitality. Major car manufacturers to build and nurture a well-known brands can be immortal, have devoted a great deal of effort, invested heavily to develop the brand in line with their actual structure of strategy.

Generally speaking, in business start-up period, because the strength of the constraints, often only one brand. At this point, the brand of simple structure, companies will have all the economic forces and technological means are used to nurture and grow the brand. Since then, enterprises continue to develop, scale, often because of the increase in product lines or extensions and need to solve the structural problems of the brand. This means that enterprises are faced with many products, what is the use of a single brand, or to add new brands? Is retained and modified over the acquisition of the brand or abandoned? This is a strategic choice need to be made. Meanwhile, in the enterprise development process, how to coordinate the newly created brand and the original relationship between the old brand is exceptionally important issue.

According to current market analysis, by 2010 China is expected to reach 17.5 million vehicles, so that China’s automobile is completely overtaken the U.S. as the world’s largest auto market. However, for China’s domestic auto manufacturers, the sales volume brought to them is enormous pressure. Lower gold content due to the brand, China’s domestic auto companies is not reflected in the brand value. On the contrary, as the market competition, China’s domestic automobile manufacturers of the brand planning problems have been prominent.

According to the major car manufacturers and the leading brand of brand-level number, the structure of their brand strategy can be broadly grouped into four categories, namely single-brand strategy, the dual-brand strategy, brand strategy, vertical and horizontal brand strategy. Study of their brand, or on the Chinese domestic vehicle manufacturers have some reference.

BMW-style single-brand structure

In the well-known multinational car manufacturers, BMW uses a single brand strategy, all products are the only leading brand in the market, and do not use any other form of auxiliary brand of leading brands to expand and add. Meanwhile, corporate and product brands the same. In this case, companies are faced with two more outstanding results. If the product is successful, the follow-up products can enjoy the brand resources. Should the product fail, would endanger the company’s reputation, even making the whole enterprise into trouble.

To distinguish the various models, and they belong to the grade, BMW adopted the serial number, serial number to distinguish between odd and even cars and other types of products. In this manner because the BMW product Puhi comparatively narrow, that will help the advantages of a single brand, gathered more intangible assets. In addition, accurate and precise brand positioning is the key to the success of the BMW brand.

Such a structure is not perfect, the positioning of its products and product made more stringent requirements. Problems with any of these products will impact the brand produces.

In 2010, the BMW brand in the U.S., China and other markets, the consecutive recall, which would bring enormous pressure the BMW brand. The recall will directly affect their own brand in the consumer market credibility.

Toyota’s two-brand structure

The so-called dual-brand strategy, is the business also has two leading brands were localized in the automotive market, the two ends of a region, such as high-end – low-end, luxury – ordinary. The face of the whole market, the two leading brands, so that products from both ends to occupy the market, extending from the poles to the middle, and then aim to expand market share.

In the world auto industry, the most successful dual-brand strategy is the use of Toyota. The Japanese car manufacturer Toyota and Lexus’s are the two leading brands. Lexus for high-end market, while Toyota mainly located in and below the high-end market. At the same time to support the brand to make up for lack of a small number of major brands. In such a way, as the brand expanded to the middle from both ends, thus effectively increasing market share. Meanwhile, the relative benefit to the brand positioning accuracy and resolve risks.

As the world’s largest car manufacturer, Toyota of special attention given to the consumer market. In different historical periods, and created a number of prestigious products such as the Toyota brand’s Crown, Corolla series. After several decades of development, the formation of a broad Toyota Toyota cars. At the same time, Toyota also found that the Toyota brand, although welcomed by the market, the lack of a true single-premium brand. In order to more effectively compete with the luxury car brands, Toyota launched the Lexus brand. After nearly 20 years of development, based on the success of Lexus has been the North American market, and gradually expand to a global scale.

Proved to the international strategic decision by Toyota Toyota’s brand structure of the strategy. Toyota’s international strategy requires the maximum the international market, increase their market share. Therefore, it must extend the Toyota brand, and the derived Lexus brand. Judged from the perspective of the market, few but the number of brands will help increase consumer brand awareness and recognition. Of course, this also increases the extension of the internal management costs, limiting a single brand for growth.

Now, Ford is also adjusted by the brand, the implementation of this in a similar way, this is now the major U.S. auto companies Ford and Lincoln brand.

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