Rust in the Carpet – How to Get it Out

A great looking carpet will improve the appearance of any room, and can magnify the positive impression your guests will have as soon as they enter. But if your carpet is not clean, or is tainted or marred by unsightly spots or stains, especially rust stains, it could have the opposite effect on your guests. Ordinary carpet cleaning will not remove rust stains, and some people may become frustrated and conclude that the only thing they can do about it is to cover it with an area rug, or rearrange the furniture, or ultimately just replace the carpet.

Rust stains are relatively easy to remove when you know how to do it, but it can be very difficult, time-consuming and frustrating if you do not understanding what you are doing. There are many DIY methods that have been suggested, and most are based on sound scientific principles, but householders need to think carefully and proceed cautiously before trying to do it on your own, or else the results could be costly and disastrous. Most of the time, even after carefully following the recommended procedures, the results also prove to be very time-consuming and less than satisfactory.

Most people should not even try to remove rust stains without the assistance of a professional carpet cleaning company. Here’s why.

Rust is not your ordinary stain, but is the product of metallic oxidation in the presence of moisture and oxygen. The reddish-brown rust found on carpet is usually caused when a metallic object like the bottom of a filing cabinet or the legs or base of certain types of furniture comes in contact with wet or moist carpet.

Incidentally, be sure to insist that after cleaning your carpet, the technician places some insulating material, like foam pads, under this type of furniture, and leave it there until the carpet is dry.

In order to get rid of the stain then, it must be reduced by transforming it to a soluble salt or colloidal complex. Acids are the most suitable reducing agents, and many different types are used. Among the most commonly recommended household solvents, are lemon juice and vinegar. Lemon juice contains a significant portion of citric acid, and vinegar has about 5% of acetic acid.

Commercial rust removal spotters usually contain dilute hydrofluoric acid, oxalic acid, or ammonium fluoride. Great care must be taken when using these products. Safety gear must be worn, and protective equipment used. The manufacturers instructions and recommendations must be followed exactly.

Hydrofluoric acid is the most dangerous, and should only be used by a professional. The liquid itself or its fumes will cause etching of glass or marble. It is very corrosive and will cause severe burns on contact with skin. It can also act as a local anesthetic, so the effect may not be felt until it has already done great damage. Hydrofluoric acid may also cause the color of the carpet fibers to change irreversibly.

Oxalic acid is milder, but still dangerous. It is the chemical most often used for rust removal by professional carpet cleaners, although it is slower in action than hydrofluoric acid. It is still essential that all directions and cautions on the bottle should be followed exactly.

Ammonium fluoride is safer, fast acting and is not as corrosive, but again, instructions for using it must be followed closely.

In each case, the solvent is applied to the stain, the spot agitated, and the mixture left in place for about five minutes. It is then rinsed thoroughly with water, and like magic, the rust stain disappears.

Hands and other exposed skin areas must always be washed thoroughly with water after this exercise.

Author Bio: Victor Nugent is Owner and President of AJS Carpet Cleaning, Inc. with over 10 years experience in the Carpet Cleaning business. For more cleaning tips call AJS Carpet Cleaning, Inc. at 801 368-0705. Or visit us at AJS Carpet Cleaning, Inc.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: carpet cleaning,professional carpet cleaning,carpet cleaning company,carpet professionally cleaned

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