Some Yeast Infection Medications Available Today

Candidiasis or moniliasis is an infection caused by fungus. This is popularly known as yeast infection. This infection can cause irritation and discomfort to an affected person. It is thru the vagina, mouth, nails, skin, the mucous membranes as well as in the intestinal tracts where it commonly strikes.

This infection can easily be transmitted to the other parts of the body especially if the person infected does not have that good hygienic practice or habit. One such example of the ease of its transmission is thru the hand. Once the hand comes in contact with an infected part the hand can transmit the fungus to the other parts of the body. If this is now the case yeast infection medications should immediately be sought.

Yeast infection can be attributed to the over population of the so-called candida albicans fungus. In normal state candida albicans live in co-existence with the other bacteria in the body. Both the population of the fungus and the bacteria are perpetually kept in check. No one population is dominant because they keep each other’s population in check.

But when an incident happens where the population of the fungus immediately becomes more numerous than the population of the bacteria then a situation can arise where the fungus becomes dominant. This dominant number of fungus can now cause the start of the possibility of yeast infection. This is especially true for women.

These imbalances can happen either because the person has been taking antibiotics which can effectively kill the bacteria. When the bacteria are gone the fungus is left to multiply on its own without let up. This exponential growth can be attributed to yeast infection.

Another way for yeast infection to develop is thru the use of feminine wash too often. Feminine wash are an effective way to keep the vagina and the surrounding areas clean. In so doing, the bacteria are also effectively killed paving the way for the uncontrolled growth of the fungus.

Yeast infection is characterized by vaginal redness, the appearance of thick and sometimes odorless discharge emanating from the sore, the infected area is also very itchy. And the worst that it can do is to make the person’ urination and sexual intercourse very painful.

Yeast infection is a curable disease which can be treated with a variety of ways and methods known to the medical science. This is especially true for women who should not be alarmed when they have contracted yeast infection.

The market for yeast infection natural remedies is rather huge where in the United States alone the number of possible infected persons could run into millions annually. These yeast infection medications can include tablets, suppositories and anti fungal creams.

Tablets are taken internally so that the contents of the tablets can be ingested and eventually passed on to the bloodstream. Suppositories on the other hand are inserted inside the vagina so that yeast infection of the genitals can effectively be treated. Anti fungal creams meanwhile are used to treat yeast infection of the mouth or the penis.
However, before any yeast infection medications can be started it is best to consult first with a qualified medical professional. They are in the best position what specific medications to prescribe to the person.

Yet, there are also yeast infection natural treatment that are being touted as an effective means of treating yeast infection. Included in this category is the use of yogurt and tampons. Basically, the tampons are dipped in the yogurt. The tampons are then inserted inside the vagina. The tampons are supposed to be left inside for about an hour for it to be effective.

These yeast infection natural remedies are said to re-introduce in the body some good bacteria that can somehow neutralize the growth of the fungus causing the yeast infection. Yogurt contains hundreds of good bacteria that can help the body fight any excess fungus.

The other natural method of treating yeast infection is thru the use of apple cider vinegar. The apple cider vinegar is mixed with a quart of water. After which the vagina is douched with this solution.

Author Bio: Article by Sarah Lomas of, a website with the best treatment for yeast infections and how to cure yeast infection information on the web.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: yeast infection natural remedies, yeast infection natural treatment, yeast infection medications

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