Sometimes It Pays To Act Helpless

Now, if you are like most guys you want to appear confident and capable in all areas of your life.

However, appearing to be, actually rally being helpless in certain areas of your life can help you meet you women. It is OK to show your vulnerabilities or weaknesses in certain areas.

For instance, most women will find it endearing to stumble on a man looking bewildered in the kids department, say at Target or a department store. It will take very little prompting to strike up a conversation. Really, only a nudge in the right direction will get most women to engage in conversation with you.

However, there is a key to doing this effectively – you cannot be faking it. You cannot be making it up. You really must have a genuine reason for needing something in that department. If you have a niece or nephew, then by all means shower them with gifts and write the cost off as doing business in your attempts at pick up. You will meet tons of women and your nieces and nephews will love you for it.

This doesn’t hurt when you and your new girl offer to babysit. The adoration of those kids will score you major points.

If you don’t have any youngsters in your life, I have another tactic for you. I’m sure you have some woman in your life in a platonic sense – your mother, your aunt, your grandmother, your elderly neighbor, your sister-in-law.

Look helpless in an area of the store where you might buy a gift for them – maybe in the perfume section or the accessories section where you can examine warm scarves. Look bewildered here and don’t hesitate to seek help from the cutest woman who walks by.

If you are worried you will only run into elderly women shopping, make it a point to go to a department store on one of its crazy sales days – such as the day after Thanksgiving. You will be surrounded by women and will be sure to see one who suits your fancy.

Moreover, the truth of the matter is, it doesn’t necessarily matter if the woman you seek advice from is even someone you want to date. The point is you are learning how to comfortably speak with a woman. Any and all experience and practice helps. The more you speak to women, the more comfortable you will be. The more comfortable you are, the more attractive and appealing you will appear. It just makes sense.

So all you macho, alpha males out there, please don’t forget that there is almost always a time and a place to seem uncertain, to seem a bit vulnerable and to seek help.

Needing advice is an attractive, endearing quality. Women will be flattered that you asked and will want to engage you in conversation. It is a non-threatening way to strike up a conversation and also says a few things about you – that you are thoughtful and generous and eager to please. What woman wouldn’t love that?

Author Bio: Bill has been teaching men how to text a girl for the last 5 years in NYC and is a pick up artist who can help you learn to do the same. The original article can be found here: Sometimes it pays to act helpless.

Category: Advice
Keywords: how to text a girl, meeting women, relationship advice

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