South Korean Kimchi Crisis of the Enlightenment

With global warming, extreme weather become the norm, accompanying a variety of natural disasters. From agricultural production, processing and marketing to food consumption, and climate are key factors. Although the diet of consumers with the economic development level and income levels has been optimized, but the “Food,” the last word must be determined for stable, adequate supply of agricultural products. Because land and grain yield of hard constraints, coupled with biomass fuels and the people “fought over” rigid demand for international grain market rising volatility has become the norm. Obviously, China’s food safety and the world must not depend entirely on the international market, should mainly rely on steady implementation of security strategies to achieve agricultural self-sufficiency in staple foods.

Inspiration I: a high priority to food security, improve the national agricultural strategy

Affected by extreme weather, fully guaranteed agricultural high yield and greater uncertainty. But the boat people’s livelihood, food security concerns, we must examine our national security a high degree of agricultural production, dependence on international markets can only be passive. At present, some developed through biotechnology seeds, pesticide and fertilizer control international food markets, and attempted to meddle in China’s agricultural market. Therefore, we must rely on sound national agricultural strategy, can stand on a new understanding of the high re-supply of major agricultural protection.

First, attach great importance to food security. The food crisis will be involved in the market and the world food system, stealth war. Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said: “Who controls the food, whoever controls the world all the people.” He will be food and oil geopolitics as the core of his foreign policy.

The second is to develop and improve agricultural safety planning strategies. Security issues of food security is not just agriculture, but also economic security, social security and political security. In the biomass energy era, the gradual diversification of the functions of food, which not only can be converted to fuel, can also be converted into other strategic weapons. Only improve the strategic security planning of agricultural products in order to calm response to possible future food war.

Third, active participation in international agricultural product standards and rule-making and control pricing. U.S. agricultural market prices of agricultural products has almost become an international center, the first in the United States has sufficient supply of agricultural products, followed by the master of the international agricultural standards and rules right, then through the improvement of agricultural futures markets affect the international prices of agricultural products, control of international agricultural prices. China should actively participate in the World Trade Organization negotiations on agriculture, for the initiative, and from a strategic perspective and actively promote and improve the various food markets, including the construction of the futures market, a number of strong and influential trade center, which can affect the surrounding and international markets.

Revelation II: improving agricultural infrastructure, increase agricultural production capacity

The basis of world food security is stable grain production, grain storage Yutian, which need to improve infrastructure and enhance the level of agricultural technology and increasing public financial support to enhance agricultural production capacity of endogenous.

One is to build a sound agriculture and irrigation facilities. Since the devastating floods since 1998, governments at all levels attach great importance to irrigating large water infrastructure, the central and local increased the financial input, and actively support the large-scale agricultural infrastructure, access to the brilliant achievements. However, because of the concerns of agricultural yield, small-scale irrigation and water conservancy facilities, high paid insufficient attention to the construction and management and protection are not strong enough, a lot of irrigation and water conservancy facilities in disrepair, sick to run, less able to resist risks of agricultural production. Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Water Resources has launched a small-scale irrigation and water conservancy facilities in key counties, the county funds issued through the project, reconstruction of small-scale irrigation and water conservancy facilities played an important role. With the increasing number of rural main workers out, the collective construction of small water conservancy facilities will be gradually reduced, and social mobilization mechanism has not been established, the Government will improve the long-term agricultural water conservancy facilities, the main body.

The second is to increase science and technology, agricultural production for developed countries to reduce dependence. U.S. hybrid and genetically modified seeds through the control of agricultural markets in many developing countries. Moreover, the high gold content through technology controlling agricultural pesticides and chemical fertilizers international market, so that agricultural production in many developing countries have lost the right to speak, from the market completely under their control. Soybean seeds, for example, the seeds of the Chinese mainland of the United States, almost. In view of this, China should increase investment in agricultural research, as soon as possible in other major agricultural products of agricultural production and application of basic research.

Third, increase the public financial investment, and gradually achieve the equalization of basic public services of agriculture. China has increased year by year “three rural” financial investment at the same time to optimize the investment structure, increase efficiency, but also improve the market actively to attract more investment in social capital “three rural” areas.

Revelation Three: the transformation of government functions, improve the safety of long-term mechanism of agricultural products

With a variety of complex climate appears to rely entirely on developing contingency plans and emergency measures can not meet food security needs, and changes should be gradually improved agricultural departments functions. Government should focus more on services, construction and development in the market play a greater role. Meanwhile, in a clear barriers to entry, based on the weakening of administrative examination and approval, banned “not as” areas, more farmers to play the main role. Improve the security strategy of agricultural research institutions, agricultural research institutions in the present, based on the security strategy will focus on improving agricultural research and decision-making more scientific. Improve the operation of agricultural safeguard mechanism security strategy, and gradually improve the protection of safe operation of agricultural safeguard mechanism for agriculture to provide a good security strategy, the implementation of external conditions.

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