The Identical Concepts of Home and Family

Home and family are two inseparable concepts that provide significant experiences that help shape and form a person. The home is commonly construed as the resultant relationship of persons who have special sense of belongingness dwelling in a house. As such, the structural designs of a house does not automatically provide a home for its dwellers but rather, it is the relationship and bond that are created among the members of the family that provides the feeling of being at home.

On the other hand, the family is universally referred to as the persons living in the house. The family is the actors and actresses that give life and spirit to the house as a home and the group of persons as a family. Although the legal and traditional concepts of a family require civil or blood ties, the idea of a family has already developed into more than the actual legal ties and kinship. It is the relationship among the persons itself that determines a family and not the aforementioned ties. As such, not all members of the family who dwells in one house feel at home and consider each other as part of the family. This awful situation requires paradigm shift and behavioral changes of the persons coupled with understanding and patience to remedy and heal their relationship and avoid the total disintegration of their bond.

In dealing with persons belonging to the same home and family, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of the group and even the home itself. One should be able to determine some areas of the house where the dwellers can bond together. This feature of the house provide the family members opportunity to stay in one area either to talk and share with each other, watch movies and eat together, and other activities that strengthens their identity as a family and makes everyone feel the needed belongingness to the group. It is also an opportunity to understand and explain some issues hounding the family.

As such, everyone would feel the special bond while at home and with the family. Since each family member is unique, there would always be instances when disagreements arise. The parents among other elders should provide the younger ones moral guidance on peacefully settling issues. This does not only benefit the present situation but ones the kids learn to respect each others differences and should any misunderstanding occur again, such issue would never become a potent force to challenge the strong relationship and bond among them.

Indeed, the home and family are special sources of inspiration and strength of every individual. They provide every person the courage and hope amidst the challenges of life. They serve as the effective support mechanism and enlightened teachers to the young ones. Thus, the home and family should be considered a sacred place where everyone can be who they are, develop their potentials, and dream of dreams.

Understanding the importance of home and family should render everyone on guard of things that could harmfully affect their togetherness. Home and family should not be treated separately. Home is where the family is and the family is one’s home. Thus, no matter how popular today the situation of getting busy and all, everyone should give time for their family where they feel at home with and go back to their home where their family is, not only to sleep but perform some bonding activities.

Author Bio: Ethan Mark Henkel enjoys writing for Home and Bedroom Furniture which sells Skyline Furniture and Childrens Bedroom Sets as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: home,family,house management,family concerns

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